Chapter 6

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When I leave the store Alice and Hagrid are still waiting which makes me happy that they didn't just leave me here. When Alice looks up and sees me standing there she smiles brightly and rushes in front of me. "Did you get one? What does it look like?" Alice starts asking a bunch of questions so I just decide to pull out my wand and show her. She squeals in excitement giving me a hug and almost makings drop my wand. "That proves it, you are a wizard!"

"But if I'm a wizard why can't I use magic?" I ask contradicting her statement because it's still true I'm not able to access the so called powers I am said to have. I mean I have to have powers, right? How else was I sorted into Hufflepuff and get a wand? I'm just wondering how I got them.

"It might take a while to figure out what's wrong but I swear we'll find out soon. Now let's get back to school and get you ready for class though we'll be a few classes late," She grabs my arm once again as we head back the way we came. What is with this girl and pulling me around?

When I finally get to my class it's already started and when I walk in the room goes quiet as they all turn to stare at me as I walk to the only open seat in the room. "Welcome Ms. Chandler to potions, the person you are sitting next to now will be your partner for the rest of the year," the teacher says quickly before delving into the lesson on something I don't understand.

I turn to my right to see the boy, Scorpius I believe, from yesterday at the sorting ceremony. He had platinum blond hair slicked back and grey eyes that look like a very light blue that seemed to blend in with his pale skin. "I'm Scorpius Malfoy," He says awkwardly while giving me a small handshake.

I've never been good with talking with boys no matter who they are so I'm not sure how I'm able to actually say a complete sentence to him. "Hey, I'm Serena it's nice to meet you," I give him a smile which makes his tense shoulders relax.

"I'm guessing you really don't know anything about the wizarding world?" He asks to which I nod since I wasn't lying before. "Well I hope we can be friends."

"I'd like that," I say before we are told to start preparing the first lesson but I don't know what any of the ingredients are so Scorpius has to show me while I just help him put them into the cauldron. When it's time to leave Scorpius and I walk out of the room together.

"What's your next class?" He asks to which I look at the parchment that Hagrid had given me. "Something about broomsticks."

"Oh I have that class next as well come on we need to hurry we don't want to be late or we'll be punished," He quickens his pace to a fast walk while I have to basically run to keep up with him.

"Okay class set your brooms on the ground to your right," The instructor says and I do as she says as well as everyone else. "Now but your right hand over your broom and say Up." The word 'up' was then continuously repeated by every student, the first successful broom to rise was Scorpius's followed by Rose's. But mine continued to just lay on the ground not moving. I sigh loudly but keep trying anyways as a few more students are able to get their own wands.

Out of no where a loud cry as if in pain rang out getting everyone's attention. We look so see a boy with dark brown hair and tanned skin being wacked by a floating broom stick. It continues to hit him in the face as well as the stomach and he gets the indication to run but it continues to follow him. Most of the students laugh as he disappears into a dark hallway. "Mr. Collins come back here this instant!" The instructor demands but all we can hear are his screams fading the farther he gets. "Okay, I'll be right back with Mr. Collins, no brooms are allowed in the air."

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