Chapter 5

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Her wand(This is literally the wand I got on Pottermore, NO joke)^

"Who is this Hagrid that the Professor spoke about?" I ask as we walk down the stairs to get to breakfast before we have to leave to this place they called Diagon Alley which sounds really creepy.

"Oh, Hagrid! He couldn't hurt a fly, a friendly giant some may say," Alice says as we walk that is until I'm flat on my back with some guy on top of me. I look up to see the stiff one from yesterday, What was his name? Um, Potter, Potter, Albus Potter of course.

"Um, Hey," He says looking down at me awkwardly but still not realizing that he was literally on top of me until it finally clicked and he scrambled off. "Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to trample you I just wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

I look down to see a few books laying on the floor so while I'm down here I might as well help him pick them up. "It's also my fault I didn't even see you coming." I respond once I had the few books I collected before he kneeled down and collected the rest. I passed them into his hands and gave him a smile before a voice echoed through the halls.

"Hurry up Albus, I want to get there early before the good seats are taken," The girl I remember to be Rose Weasley calls out sounding impatient making me laugh softly.

"Coming," He calls back before he looks back at me giving me a smile. "Sorry again, but I hope to see you around I think we'll be good friends." Then he ran off after that girl leaving me there watching him leave. What are they to each other?

"Their cousins," Alice says quickly cutting off my thoughts as well as answering my unasked question.
"They are actually quiet close, I wonder how she is taking him being put in Slytherin."

"What's wrong with Slytherin?" I ask once we entire the cafeteria with a few scattered students meaning that most of them either came earlier or haven't come yet. We grab some food before sitting at the table the Hufflepuffs had been cheering from yesterday.

"Nothing really it's just a lot of evil people have come out of Slytherin and being who his father is people think Albus may be connected to Voldemort," Alice says regularly until she whispers the name while I just stare at her not knowing about anything she just said.

"Voldy who? Who is his father? I'm confused?" I declare to which she gives me the shortened down version of how Albus' dad, Harry Potter, saved the whole wizarding world by defeating this so called evil guy named Volemort. I mean it sounds interesting, I would totally read that book if they were to ever write one which they probably won't.

"Why did we have to come the long way?" Alice complains as we walk up to a brick wall that I just stare wondering if something was going to happen.

"Because Serena here can't use her magic so we can't use Floo powder," Hagrid gives Alice a look but then turns to me and gives me a smile which I return. He taps a few bricks in a pattern I don't remember when we walk into the street. People pass by while voices fills the air and people window shop. There are children running around laughing and having fun. Seeing them smile makes me think of Nala and I grin until I remember that I can't see her. Unless maybe they'll let me go home for Christmas! "Okay Professor McGonagall gave me enough money to be able to get what you need for the year."

After getting all the books needed for the classes I am going to have I have only a few things left. "Robes, Check. Cauldron, Check. Now all I need is a cat and a wand," I declare happy I'm almost done with all of this shopping, I've honestly never liked it. I'd much rather stay at home with a good book to read.

"Yay!" Alice cheered actually sounding happy as we walk into the store Magical Menagerie to see a bunch of strange things I don't even know how to describe. Then I saw all the cats and a smile grew on my face as I walked over to them. There were cats of all colors; reds, whites, browns, spotted, and blacks. When I came to the cage of a pitch black cat I knew I wanted her.

"This one," I decide excited to have a cat here, I mean we have one at home Lionel is a white, old, lazy cat who only ever eats or sleeps. When we get to the counter I decide what I'm going to name her. "Her name is going to be Penelope."

"Cute, I like it," Alice squeals petting the cats head softly as she purrs in content at the touch. I smile and start petting her myself, feeling the softness of her fur between my fingers. We walk out not too long later and head towards a building called Ollivanders.

As I get to the door I turn back to see that Hagrid and Alice weren't following me in. I really didn't want to go in here alone but it appeared I didn't have a choice as they both shooed me in. As I entered I was welcomed by a quiet place that looks like it could have been a library but on the shelves instead if books were boxes. Since this is a want shop I bet that all those boxes are full of wands. "Good morning," A man says enthusiastically as he appeared behind the desk making me jump. "I'm Mr. Ollivander and I bet you're looking for a wand." I nod my head as I look around me at the old dusty building. "What's your name?"

"Serena Chandler," I say quietly as I turn to look at him and observe his long, white hair man. He seemed like the kind of person I would probably see on the streets with a shopping cart but here he is instead with a good job and it appears he owns the shop so that's even better.

"Ah yes, Ms. Chandler welcome I had received a letter from Ms. McGonagall earlier this morning informing me about your current situation. That's alright we'll just measure you up and instead of using your wands reaction we'll pay more attention to your own," He says walking around looking at all the different types of boxes. He grabs one and pulls it out of the box and hands it to me to which I stare at it a few seconds before I start sneezing uncontrollably. "So no Dragon Core okay let's see what's next." He walks around once again grabbing another wand and gives it to me.

"What exactly am I trying to feel?" I say a few wands later still having felt nothing so far. How am I even supposed to know if I don't have magic? Don't they say muggles don't have magic so how would I have a wand?

"I'm not sure because this hasn't happened before but I would believe it would be like a sign, like a bright light being shone upon a dark day," He explains and I nod my head though I still don't quite understand what he means though I'll try. "Here try this one."

It's a long, wooden wand like many of the others I've held but it's different. It seemed to fit perfectly in my hand as I held it and the handle was smooth though it had many arch carvings. Something clicked inside of me and I spoke without realizing I had, "This is it."

"Oh how interesting," He whispered quietly as he seemed to observe me more than when I had first walked into the store. "It's made of cypress which usually choses a very noble and brave holder so it's an honor to meet you. The Phoenix feather core is the rarest among the others and often very picky because I only know of two other people who has a Phoenix core so I believe you will one day be an amazing wizard. As for the size it's twelve and one-fourth inches which I believe is a very good size for you now let's get you checked out."

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