Chapter 4

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"Did it work?" A woman's voice rings through my ears causing me to wince as I start to open my eyes to see a room full of beds with white curtains ready to be pulled around them if needed. I look up to see Professor McGonagall staring at me while I blink repeatedly.

"Professor McGonagall, what happened?" I ask as they gasp and just stare at me as if I did something shocking other than asking how I got here. Then it hit me where I told them I didn't understand anything and passed out because of how nervous I was.

"How is this possible? How does she remember? Do it again," Professor McGonagall says to which the lady that appears to be a nurse pulls out a wand and puts it to my temple confusing me. She chants a few words and pulls it away from my head but becomes confused herself and tries to do it again.

"It's not working on her," The nurse backs away slowly as everyone in the room stares at me in either interest of confusion. There are a few professors I recognize from in the cafeteria and well as Alice but the other adults I don't know.

"Are you okay?" Alice asks as she walks towards the bed to which I just nod giving her a small smile then turn back to McGonagall as she seems to be in deep thought.

"What do we do now? We can't just send her back to the muggles now that she knows about the wizarding world and magic," One of the unknown adults asks wanting to get answers of his own while answering some of mine in the process.

"Oh your all wizards, that explains the hat. Wait, did you say magic? Magic is real," I was completely shocked at this revelation that completely opened my eyes to the new world around me. The hat, all the things Alice said on the train, and even walking through the wall at the train station. "Oh."

"I guess we'll have to keep her here until we know what to do with her. I mean she was sorted into a house so she must have magic in someway. Let's help her find it," Professor decides and I was surprised that they were going to have me stay though it's not like I actually have a choice in the matter. What about my other school and my parents?

"Um, what about the school I was supposed to go to they'll probably send a letter home saying that I never arrived because I doubt they'll actually call with all the girls that go to that school," I explain wondering they'll let me leave if there is a really good reason why I need to leave but they weren't swayed.

"That's the easy part I'll have someone quickly find the letter and get it before it is able to reach your parents so they will have nothing to worry about. Since you are staying you will need to get school supplies and I doubt you have money as you are still young," She begins to talk as though it was to herself but the people around us were focusing very hard on every word she said. "Okay tomorrow I will have Hagrid take you to Diagon Alley and Ms. Longbottom since you are the only current friend of Ms. Chandler will you accompany them as to make sure she is comfortable. I fear she is already frazzled as it is."

"Yes, Professor McGonagall,"Alice says flashing me a smile that assures me that everything was going to be okay at least for now anyways.

"Now, let's get Ms. Chandler some food before you show her to her room Ms. Longbottom," Professor McGonagall says standing up and reaching out a hand for me to grab which hesitate at first but eventually do. "Now run along but remember to be in your rooms by 9 and no later."

Alice nods her head and begins dragging me to where ever it is that we are going. She takes me somewhere in the school and I am able to grab some food to eat as we start heading towards the Hufflepuff common rooms, as she calls them. We go up a bunch of confusing and terrifying staircases that continuously changed until we came to a certain area where she stopped.

"Okay to enter you watch what I tap and don't make a mistake or you'll be covered in vinegar," She says making me shutter because I most definitely do not want that. She goes to the stack of barrels to the right and taps on the second barrel from the bottom that is in the middle of the second row. Tap. Tap. Tap Tap Tap. And a hidden passage opens revealing a comforting and welcoming room. There was a Badger set on the wall while the furniture was wooden but cushioned like regular furniture are. A few of the students lounging around as if waiting for somethin or someone. Once I enter the little chatter that existed disappeared leaving only silence to which I awkwardly waved at the people who were just staring at me.

"Let's go," Alice says leading me away from all the staring students. "Okay so the boys and the girls are separated so you don't have to worry to much about that. Also just in case you did stay I saved the bed next to mine."

When we entered there were a few other girls in the room that I gave a small smile in which they returned it and we continued till we cam to two beds. One with stuff all over it and the other with my trunk sitting on top of it. I sigh happy they were actually able to figure out that the unclaimed or untagged trunk was indeed mine. I opened it up reveling all my stuff just as I had left it before I got in the car this morning. Just thinking about everything that has happened today makes my head spin so I quickly change into a pair of my pajamas and climb into bed only to just stare at the ceiling. It took what felt like hours to eventually fall asleep.

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