[87] House of Missions

Start from the beginning

"Don't you dare! If you hurt any of them you will wish you had never been born," Camilla hissed; she was not to be tested at the moment. She was slowly getting more and more annoyed with the spirit and she just wanted the bitch to go die in the duat like she should have done years before.

"the boy may be too important to perish," the spirit told the pair looking at the protector with fear in her eyes.

"What Fabian?" Nina whispered, "what do you mean?"

"you have until sundown tomorrow, and then I will keep my promise and claim your lives!" the spirit threatened before disappearing with a fading laugh.

They were headed into a fight for their lives, why did Camilla get the feeling this wouldn't be the first time they would be facing something like this in their lives as team Sibuna.


Nina rushed off from the girl's bedroom to call a Sibuna meeting, they needed to tell their friends about the new time limit they had been given to get the mask. Camilla however had decided that what she needed was a huge mug of tea. Yes, the Senkhara thing was super bad, but there was no time dwelling on the inevitable doom she was going to strike upon them. They needed to think ahead and prepare themselves and in order for Camilla to be on her A-Game, she needed a huge mug of tea.

Even from the kitchen, Camilla could hear the rattle of Victor's office door as it slammed shut. The man had found something out and from the shaking of the glass panels, as Camilla wandered into the hallway holding two cups of tea, she could tell he wasn't happy.

Victor didn't look up from his desk, his head in his hands until a cup had been gently placed onto his desk. He knew from the lack of saucer under the mug that it was Camilla who was stood on the other side of his desk. The man looked up at her as he took the mug looking at the girl as she turned to the window as Amber trotted up the stairs talking to Alfie behind them Nina who was trying to frantically get the pair to move faster but it wasn't happening.

Camilla looked deathly pale, the girl's dark under-eye circles only adding to the deadly look, though a warm flush was creeping onto her cheeks from the warm drink in her hand. Victor could tell she had overdone it, she had used too much magic and become deadly close to burning up – literally.

The man let out a sigh, "when are you going to take care of yourself?" Victor asked the young girl.

"I take care of myself just fine." Camilla was quick to retort turning back to look at Victor.

The man raised an eyebrow at her, "switching places with Miss Martin during a Senet game." Was all he said causing an eye roll from Camilla.

"you said it was my job to protect them."

"How are you going to do that when you are trapped under the school."

"easy," Camilla smiled at him, "because no matter where I go I know I have you and Fabian who would go to the ends of the earth to come to find me if I was in trouble."

The man couldn't help the smile that crept onto his face at the girl's words, glancing down at Vera's phone on the table. He should have sided with the Protector from the start and now he was regretting not doing so.

"I'm sorry..." Camilla spoke softly, so softly that if it hadn't been for the comforting silence that had fallen between the pair he was sure he'd have missed it. Victor glanced at Camilla to see she was looking at the phone as well. Everyone in Anubis house would be able to recognise it instantly, due to the woman's rather iron-like grip on it. "that Vera was who I said she was." Camilla met his gaze with a small sad smile. "you know, I honestly had hoped I was wrong. You deserve some happiness."

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