[50] House of Warnings

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It was obvious to Camilla that a good night sleep was something she would never have under the roof of Anubis house. At least not anymore.

Amber's scream pierced through her dreams, shattering them within an instance. Though that didn't matter, nothing mattered because Amber was in danger. Or she possibly could be in danger and to Camilla that meant more to her than anything.

So, she was out her bed within seconds of hearing that scream to see Amber touching her face as she sat up in bed, Nina racing over to the girl's bed also looking worried but not at all unsurprised to hear the girl screaming. Which meant one thing; Nina had been communicating with the spirit again during her dreams and the spirit had used Amber as an example dragging Amber into the dream also.

The spirit seemed cautious of Camilla and didn't pull her into dreams as much anymore, in fact, the only reason Camilla saw the tears of gold dream with Nina was because Isis wanted her to see it – or so the girl assumed.

As much as she enjoyed the protection her Deity gave her from the spirit it did a fat lot of good for her when Nina kept provoking the spirit within her dreams and Camilla could do nothing to help or stop her.

"Mirror! Mirror! Mirror!" Amber's demand brought Camilla back to reality which was figuring out what Nina had done in her dream to cause Amber to scream.

Nina rushed to Amber's vanity as Amber grabbed Camilla's hand in a comforting way, grabbing the hand mirror from Nina and inspecting her face. The spirit must have shown Nina Amber in the worst state of ageing in the dream that's why the two girls were worried so much.

"Okay, we can breathe." Amber spoke as she examined herself. "breathe, breathe..."

The three girls sighed with relief as they all realised it was just a dream, and Amber was still her normal beautiful self now rocking some silver streaks – or that's how Camilla had talked her into thinking the look wasn't as bad as it was.

"that felt so real," Amber spoke up looking between her friends in worry, "I was old. Like, old-old." She informed Camilla with a worried look on her face. "it's not going to get like that, is it, Nina?" She asked, her hand giving Camilla's a squeeze in worry which Camilla squeezed it back trying to comfort the girl as she too looked to Nina.

"no Amber," Nina reassured her, "it's not."

"I can't grow old before I grow up." The sentence left Amber's mouth with a heart-breaking sob as the realisation of the situation she found herself in dawned on the blonde. "Cam, what's going to happen?"

"I'm going to fix this," Nina told the pair as Camilla moved closer to Amber on the bed and put an arm around her. Amber leaning into her friend needing the comfort.

"How are you going to fix this Nina?" Camilla asked her friend, "you got us into the mess by getting angry and defying the spirit, I hope you have some magical plan you haven't shared on how to fix this." The words where harsh but even Amber didn't have the heart to tell Camilla off because she agreed with the harsh truth. They were fine, maybe they were working a little slower than the spirit wanted but come on they still had school. Then Nina's anger got the better of her now they were cursed, as much as she loved the American girl Amber wasn't too happy with her at the moment.

Nina looked at the pair and bit her lip guilt washing over her like a bucket of ice water, knowing even without the curse that was forcing the truth from her lips, the harsh words from Camilla was true. This was her fault and she had to fix it, and soon.


If Anubis breakfast were chaotic before, having 5 members of the house cursed with 4 members unaware of said curses, made the mornings even more chaotic.

Unsteady; House of Anubis *B2*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt