[51] House of Status

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"Morning all," Ms Valentine's bubbly attitude as she grinned at the class was refreshing as she walked into the history class before the Sibuna's, giving the group a smile as they rushed to their seats. She couldn't fault them for being late technically as the bell rang just as they walked into the room. "please tell me you did your homework on Cleopatra." She told the group.

Camilla rolled her eyes as she saw Jerome enthusiastically hold up his homework from the back of the class and she turned to the teacher, "Does a chapter we wrote in my parent's book on the subject count as homework, cos if so, Jerome totally copied from us." She said innocently smiling as she heard spluttering noises from the back of the room.

Ms Valentine took the jibe in her stride giving the pair smiles as she pointed to them, having finally sussed out who they were, "Yeah, I was told when it came to this subject you two would know a fair bit thanks to your dad or one of your aunts or uncles, anyway I was told to tell you that because of your key basic knowledge on the subject that I expect a more in-depth essay from you both," this caused Camilla to be the one who was a spluttering mess as she sat herself down in her chair.

"oh, miss!" Mara spoke up excitedly as the class laughed at the fact the twins managed to get themselves more homework in a subject Camilla had hoped to get none for, "you're the one who knows Mick, arent you?"

"Yeah, I taught him at my previous school." She told Mara with a smile, "we haven't met, I'm Ms Valentine." She told Mara.

"Mara Jeffrey," Mara replied with a smile, glad to meet the teacher the students who took drama (or were forced to take drama – Rutter's -) were talking about so glowingly the day before.

"Mara," Ms Valentine spoke in realisation as she put a name to the face, "at last, I have a message for you from Mick." She told the girl who looked surprised but sat up straighter in her seat, keen to hear from her boyfriend? Camilla honestly wasn't sure if Mick and Mara were still a thing. It be awkward if they were seeing how much time Mara was spending with Jerome but she wouldn't hate the news much to hear it if they were still dating honestly.

"teacher's grapevine," Joy laughed slightly causing a smile from Patricia, "only you Mara," even Mara couldn't help but laugh at the slight teasing because it was true, only she could have messages sent across the globe via teachers.

"Mick said to tell you," Ms Valentine spoke slowly as if trying to remember everything correctly, "he's doing really well in Australia."

"aww, how sweet."

"he talks about you all the time and there was another thing..." the teacher trailed off slightly.

"Does this guy ever quit ruining my life," Jerome mumbled, causing eye rolls from Amber and Camilla which he saw, causing him to look at them strangely.

"Mara is perfect for Mick," Amber explained simply to him in a whisper, "your girl is someone else, Jerome."

The boy pulled a face at her words, but something in the back of his mind told him not the dismiss the idea that perhaps Mara wasn't perfect for him. Maybe he was enjoying the chase of Mara too much.

"oh, he said he couldn't wait to introduce his girl from Australia."

Any second thoughts Jerome had about Mara not being right for him were wiped away as he realised Mick Campbell had fucked up big time with his message, breaking up with the nerdy girl then and there and now Mara was free to date.

"he's got an Australian girlfriend?" Mara said sounding heartbroken.

"Ms Valentine," Jasper's voice caused Camilla to look around to the front of the class a bright smile on her face as her uncle gave her and Fabian waves after placing down books on the teacher's desk. "those books you asked for."

Unsteady; House of Anubis *B2*Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum