[47] House of Sorry

Start from the beginning

"Well I'm not accepting your resignation, Daphne" Mr Sweet tried but both Camilla and Mrs Andrews knew it was a weak attempt at a power play.

"Vera is not to be trusted!" Mrs Andrews spoke up, the woman glancing to the bookcase the hidden peephole was as if she knew Camilla was listening, "and just because Victor likes her suddenly, she's become untouchable!"

"I'm sorry," Mr Sweet softly spoke, "but I've been made a fool of once today already my decision on Mara stands!"

The look Mrs Andrews gave Mr Sweet was one Camilla wished no one would ever give her in her life. It was a look of pity and shock he wasn't who she thought he was all wrapped up into a little bow. Camilla put the fake tile back on the wall because she knew Mrs Andrews was going to win the fight with Sweetie, but Camilla wasn't sure if losing her job was worth it to do so.


"I can't believe he expelled her," Nina spoke up as she led Fabian and Camilla into their French class. Fabian had grabbed a very forlorn looking Camilla as she exited the girl's bathroom and knew she had overheard something important in Sweeties office.

"I've never seen Sweetie that angry," Joy agreed as they walked in, "not even Victor goes that purple."

"All I know is," Camilla sighed as she sat on her desk, "if this is some huge set up for Vera to come to this school for some bigger reason, I will personally kill her myself." The Anubis house lot didn't know what to say at this angry outburst from Camilla, most of them looked to Fabian who didn't seem shocked if anything he seemed as if he expected it from his sister.

"That's the murdering Camilla we all know and love," Eddie teased causing the small girl to smile his way as he put his things on the desk next to her.

"I hope your pleased with yourself," Patricia pipped up the moment Eddie decided to comment. Both Eddie and Camilla looking her way, "pranking Sweetie like that."

"Eddie doesn't..." Camilla started but the bait was too sweet for Eddie not to resist it because it was Patricia.

"Yeah right..." He retorted instantly, "because I was the only one in his face all week?"

Patricia scoffed getting to her feet causing Joy and Camilla to share exasperated looks as their friends argued, "and guess who made Mara go public in the first place."

"I wasn't the one who told her to write some article on Vera, she did that all by her..." Eddie trailed off as a tearful Mara walked into the room. The room going silent as she girl walked to her seat and sat down.

"It was exceptionally well-written thought..." Eddie tried to awkwardly break the silence causing Camilla to smile and shake her head at him.

"Your pathetic," she told him softly causing a small smile to creep onto his face at her attempt to joke around with him. make him not feel as guilty as Patricia was trying to make him. this wasn't his fault; this was at the end of the day Vera's fault and Camilla knew that.

"Oh that's right," Patricia spoke up again, "help him worm his way out Cam, just like he always does!"

"There are some things you just don't –!" Camilla got to her feet to argue until Fabian grabbed her jumper and forced her to sit back down again.

"I am not worming my way out of anything," Eddie shouted more than happy to have a fight with Patricia, "I am probably history... just like Mara..."

"Well, I hope Sweetie does get even and expels you too," Patricia shouted missing the looks between the twins who knew that that wasn't going to happen. Not with what they knew.

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