[33] House of Dead-Ends

Start from the beginning

"Well lucky old Victor," Amber grumbled causing them all to smile at her in amusement.

"I guarantee he won't agree with you Ambs when he realises all the amulets are gone," Camilla told the girl she was looped arms with.

"that is why we need to get to school before he wakes up," Nina told them all, "then tonight we go back to the tunnels."

Fabian grinned as he Nina and Patricia lead the way to school.

"Who'd have thought there would come a day you two were racing to go to school," Amber told Camilla and Alfie.

"The things we do for Sibuna," Alfie dramatically said with a shake of his head causing the two girls to laugh as they followed him from the building. 


The school day as uneventful. Camilla was wandering down the stairs when she saw Mara sit down next to Jerome on the couch. The boy had, what looked like Camilla's copy from the million tabs, Much Ado About Nothing out and was reading it. She knew it was stupid, but since her big realisation of her feelings with Jerome, that annoying green monster always crept up whenever she saw him with Mara. Maybe it was because she knew he fancied the girl in a way he would never fancy her.

"Sup Nerd?" Eddie's voice came from down the hall.

"What?" she turned to see him leaving his room.

Eddie shot her a disbelieving look and glancing into the other room from the dining room door and seeing Jerome and Mara. He looked back to Camilla who had wandered over to him so she didn't look so creepy staring at the two from the hallway. "Finally figured out your feelings huh?" he asked softly.

"was it really that obvious?" Camilla smiled sadly.

"Only for those of us who knew what to look for," Eddie told her, putting an arm around her shoulders in a comforting way and pulling her into the kitchen with him. He was hungry but most importantly he had a friend who needed cheering up. "why don't you tell him?"

Camilla glanced at the two from the kitchen window, whatever Mara had said to Jerome had clearly cheered him up. Camilla hadn't seen him that happy in a long time. "I've learned a fair few things about unrequited feelings in my time Eddie," Camilla told him as she jumped up onto the kitchen island watching the boy as he raided the fridge for food, noting he had put two plates down so she assumed she was having a snack too. "at the end of the day it's not about me, it's about him being happy and doing what's right for him. If Mara is that, as much as it annoys me, I have to accept that."

Eddie pointed the can of squirty cream at her, "you know, that is why you scare me a little. You come out with deep stuff like that, you have such a good heart, and then I hear you still will dye people's hair pink if they anger you." Camilla quirked an eyebrow at him with a smirk, he had heard of the Mick situation. "Yeah, Amber told me all about the Mick situation, however, if you don't mind me putting my opinion into the mix," he asked, shutting the fridge and moving the ingredients he had taken out over to the island Camilla was sat on looking at the girl, holding his hands out to help her jump down. Camila shrugged what would one more opinion matter? It's not like it would change anything. "don't stop fighting for him." Eddie said to the small girl, he was slowly coming to see as an honouree sister, "I don't know if you've noticed but boys are stupid when it comes to love and crushes."

"Fabian is my brother," Camilla countered as she picked up the galaxy bar of chocolate that she knew was part of Victor's hidden stash (he hid it in the fridge thinking no one knew about it but everyone in the house did) and opened it.

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