[29] House of Help

Start from the beginning

Before she could celebrate a familiar angry voice came from the doorway causing the flame to go out leaving a lazy tendril of smoke in its wake, "That is an expensive table young lady, get down from it now!"

Camilla rolled her eyes, "I guess someone can see again." Camilla turned to face him, not getting off the table using the seat she normally sat on as a place to put her feet as she looked at Victor.

"Am I in trouble?" she asked softly.

"Have a guess."


"Have another guess," Victor replied but the smile on his face told her he found her attempt amusing.

"Come on Vicky it was just a little magic..." Camilla groaned.

"Camilla, we have a rule about magic." Victor told her, "You are not to perform unnecessary magic until-"

"-Until I'm ready and have built up my inner storage..." Camilla rolled her eyes at him. "I don't see why not. I'm in our lab, no one is going to see me perform magic here."

"There are eyes that can see all. There will be a time when you will not be limited to my rules, but till then please know I'm doing it for your own good." Victor sighed as he collected the Grimoire she had been studying from and put it back on the shelf. His eyes pausing to look. "One day when density comes calling you will understand why I am delaying your magic learning to the basics... perhaps that day you will thank me for doing so."

Camilla looked at him, he looked tired and worried. There was something he wasn't telling her, there had always been something he was yet to tell her and whenever he thought about it that same tired, worried, dark look crossed his face. Camilla wished she knew what it was that made him look that way, but she knew right now wasn't the time to push her luck. "I have class so I'll babysit Corbierre later or something," Camilla smiled at him, patting the top of the bird's head as she jumped off the table.

Victor watched her go with a sigh.

She had had that look on her face. That look that showed she was frustrated with the lack of information given to her yet again by him and didn't plan on relenting, but neither was she going to say anything. "She will find out the truth," Victor noted to Corbierre, "and she's willing to wait a very long time - but she will find out the truth. I don't think our Deity is ready for the day she does."


Poppy Clarke was on the hunt for Camille-Anne Rutter. She had even gone up to Fabian and asked him where he was, "Where's your twin?"

"I don't know. Let me use my telepathy to find her,"

That wasn't helpful. It wasn't until she had done her third loop of the school did, she hear her laugh along with Jerome's in the student lounge. Poppy paused by the door, listening in to the two older teens laughing together a small smile appearing on her face as Jerome laughed once again at something. It was a happy laugh. A genuine laugh. Something she hadn't heard from her brother in such a long time. Poppy liked Mara she did, but the girl didn't make her brother as happy as clearly Camilla did effortlessly. She knew her brother had a crush on Mara though, but she wasn't blind. She saw the way his head turned as he heard Camilla's voice or the way the two automatically sat next to each other when in the student's lounge or to fell into step with each other effortlessly when walking in the hallways. There was something there with both Jerome and Camilla, something deeper than simply a crush and Poppy just wished the two teens she loved would open their eyes and see it. Of course, she didn't have much time to dwell on this as she marched into the room and headed straight for the pair.

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