[29] House of Help

Start from the beginning

"Met?! Stamped!" Patricia corrected him holding out her wrist causing worry to flash across Fabian's face.

"We've all got them?!" He asked Nina, who could do nothing more than worry.

"What about you?" Alfie asked having seen Camilla's tattoo as he ran into the room.

"Fabian and Camilla got them a while ago..." Nina explained to Alfie and Patricia. "After me."

"What?! And you didn't think it was important to tell us it's kind of contiguous," Patricia argued.

"But when Amber never got one...We, we assumed it was just us. Camilla is a motivation for Nina to keep going..." Fabian explained.

"And you? Why do you have one?"

"Because the spirit knew I'd do anything if I meant keeping Fabian safe." Camilla spoke up causing heads to turn her way, "My Chosen One is important, but Fabian is blood. That's far more important to me. She knows that." Fabian sent Camilla a smile which she returned.

"We could have at least got a nice one like the white feather behind Camilla's ear, not this Mask," Amber added to them all out of nowhere causing the smiles on the twin's faces to turn into ones of disbelief.

"WHAT?!" Alfie, Camilla and Patricia said causing Camilla to turn, push her hair back and show them the symbol of Thoth feather she had tattooed in white there.

As she turned back, she shrugged, "it's a magic thing, helps me focus or something in magic classes. None of you will get that as I chose to get this..."

"Kinda..." Fabian mumbled for her causing Camilla to smile.

Patricia looked between them all, "from now on. We make all decisions together. Okay?"

Everyone but Camilla nodded because she wasn't going to agree to that. If she had to make a choice to save one of them, she would do so without organising a little group meeting first. Thankfully Patricia's back was to Camilla so she didn't see the girl not agree to her terms and conditions but Amber and Fabian did and from the glance, the pair shared they knew they had to keep an eye on Camilla in case she did something stupid in order to save them all.


Camilla was using the fact Victor couldn't see to her advantage in magic class that day. Sadly, she didn't have any magic classes yesterday and she knew she only had so many hour's left of none-seeing time with Victor. The moment she was in the lab she had grabbed an old Grimoire she had spotted a few weeks ago with Victor's name written in it (ages 17-21 written neatly next to his name). she just wanted to do something simple, something magic. She had seen the fire spell she'd used on the spirit in the book and wanted to read it a little more carefully and see if she could do it again. Which is how she found herself cross-legged on the table – because why not – a candle in front of her. The spell said to use salt as part of its ingredients but it wasn't necessary for the spell to work if using a candle. To be safe Camilla had poured a little salt into the top of the candle, better to be safe than sorry.

"Phasmatus Ignitium Dos Ex Salvo," she said opening her hand from a fist into an open hand, imaging a flame flickering as she did so to reveal nothing once again. By this point, she had realised the spell worked for her in the tunnels due to sheer damn luck because right now she was getting nothing. "Come on Camilla. Just once. You have," Camilla paused to glance at her phone, "5 minutes till next class. Just do it once," She squared her shoulders and said, "Phasmatus Ignitium Dos Ex Salvo," copying the movements this time a tiny flame burst to light from the candle.

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