[10] House of Heartbreak

Start from the beginning

Camilla wasn't sure how long they had been stood there but she wasn't going to break the hug until her brother was ready. Eventually he did and Camilla used the back of her sleeve to wipe the tears from his face. "I don't know what happened," he whispered, "All of a sudden we were just over..."

"Fabian, don't worry," Camilla whispered too him, "you two will be fine, maybe right now you two arent quite ready for each other."

"But how do you know Cam," he asked softly.

"Because I have to believe that two people are perfect for each other as you and Nina are destined to be together. I have to believe in that kind of thing to keep me hopeful," Camilla told her brother, who could hear the truth in her words. "Do you want me to stay with you?" she asked, more than ready to spent the rest of the day with her brother and just crash in his room too.

Fabian however shook his head as he let out a shakey sigh and looked to the doors that lead to the girls bedrooms. "Be there for Nina, I'd feel loads better knowing she has you looking out for her," he told his sister, squeezing her hand before moving off to his room.

Camilla didn't bother to follow him because she knew Fabian wanted to be alone, there was an innate understanding Camilla understood as to why he did. Fabian was very much an introverted person who always got pulled into Camilla's extroverted ways, the best thing for him was to let himself be alone with his guitar and let him deal with his thoughts in his own time. If he needed her, Camilla knew he'd seek her out. Camilla glanced too the doorway Fabian had been looking at. She needed to be there for her Chosen One.

Amber looked up, from Nina's bed where she and the girl where currently, as Camilla came into the room, clearly having gone on a freezer raid with the 3 tubs of unopened ice-cream she held in her hands.

"Nina, I'm so sorry," was all Camilla could say as she slipped into Nina's bed also to hug her friend who was more than happy for the comfort from her friends. "The answer is chocolate ice-cream, of which I have brought several tubs." Camilla informed the American who let out a watery chuckle, as Camilla passed them each a tub of ice cream and pulled Nina's laptop towards them. tonight, they were indulging and simply being there for Nina.


Throughout the course of the evening Nina didn't explain what had happened between them and neither of the girls asked. When Amber and Nina went through to breakfast the next day Camilla went to get Fabian from his room, his room door was open as he sat on his bed in thought.

"Some say in fire, some say in ice..." Camilla said not bothering greeting her brother from the doorway.

Fabian looked up confused as he heard the words his sister spoke, "How you think the world is going to end?"

"Actually, he was talking about the end of a relationship." Camilla shrugged with a small sad smile, "I know it hurts Fabian, but you are still friends. Plus, I believe you two are going to work it out, maybe after this mask business is over and our lives aren't on the line." Fabian couldn't help but smile a little at his sisters' words, he couldn't wallow there was too many other things to worry about. He also liked his sister's outlook on destiny and believing that maybe their time wasn't right now, but one day when they were ready it would be. "You coming?" Camilla asked holding her hand out too him, Fabian got off the bed and took his sister's hand and allowed her to drag her to breakfast.

Yes, he liked her outlook very much.


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