Part 18 - Will you marry me?

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Unfair Love - Part 18


* Penelope's POV •

I woke up and heard what Liam has just said. What he said hit me. He is ready to let me go.

Without me knowing my tears have found their way to escape from my eyes.
I squeze Liam's hand.

"Liam, you are ready to let me go?" I asked him.

"Pin, are awake?" He asked. I nodded my head yes.

"I'm so sorry for everything I done to you okay, I'm just a bad man. You should find someone better than me. You deserve someone better. Oh and our babies are ok. You don't stress anymore okay?" He said.

" ready to us go?" I asked again. I know what Liam did is not nice but still I still love him very much. I can't even imagine my life without him.

I know he might be making mistake back in the early time of my pregnancy, but I'm willing to forgive him. I'm willing to give him another chance if he wants our baby.

"Liam..don't. Please don't leave me. Our babies need you. You are their daddy." I said

He looked up at me with hope in his eyes, " forgive me?" He asked not believing in what I just told him.

"Yeah, I'm willing to give you another chance Liam. But please don't ignore me or our babies again. I..I want you to love them just like how you love Tom. And I'll also love Tom just like he is my kid. Hell you know that I love Tom very much." I said.

Liam then hug me. "Thank you, thank you for giving me another chance Pin. I..I thought you are going to leave me," he said.

"- and yes you're going to be a great mum to Tom as well. I know that I still don't have my ring with me, but will you Penelope Franco make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"  Liam asked.

I kinda shock. Liam's asking me to marry him.

"The answer is no Liam!" Suddenly the door opened and there is my mum standing there and said that.

"M..mum?" I said.

"Yeah my baby, are you okay? Are my grandchildren ok?" She asked.

"We are ok mum." I said as she hug me.

"My baby you have been through so much, please just comeback home with me. I will showered you with loves baby," she said.

"Mum.." I said.

"And don't say yes to him darling, he hurt you enough okay?" She said with hope in her eyes.

I shook my head no. "No mum, I..I love him very much, and my babies need their father with them mum," I said.

Shocked show in her face, " forgive him?" She asked.

I nod my head.

"Yeah mum. Everyone deserve a second chance, that's what you told me, right?" I asked my mum.

She nodded her head. "My baby, you are such a tough and good woman. I'm proud to be you mom," she said then hug me tightly one more time.

When she let go of me, she turn to Liam, "and you Liam, please don't ignore her again ok? I know you are a good person, when you have a problem talk it out okay?" She said to Liam. Liam nodded his head. And my mum went to hug him.

"I'm happy for both of you my kids," she said.

I smile. Knowing that Liam is changing to be a better.



Shintya Theresha

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