Letter #1

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Dear Genji,
                I'm glad you enjoyed your gift. Money is pretty scarce currently, so I'm just helping out how I can. Sure, I get paid, but, it doesn't give me the same satisfaction as helping people with the team as I usually did. But, that doesn't matter anyway. Zenyatta has told me about your activities up in Nepal. I can't make a visit sadly, due to tight schedules, but I promise that you haven't seen the last of me. I hope at least. Even if we never meet again, I'll never forget what we had. We had a special connection, Genji, despite some of the troubles that came down our path. The occasional argument. Also, now that you've brought it to my attention, I have acknowledged that I have some sort of issue with my unhealthy habit. I'm trying so hard, Genji, but I can't stop. It's like I need it. All this stress in my life I cannot handle. It's almost like it's infecting me from the inside, contaminating me. Ruining me. Nonetheless, I'll try to push through for you. I promise. Don't think about me, because I'm positive that you're on my mind a lot more than I'm on yours.
                                                                Love, Angela

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