A Project

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I was completely disoriented. I felt a surging pain all over my body as I struggled to look around and make something of my surroundings.

Needles full of old, black blood, and petri dishes full of the same thing, just with bits of my pale and rosy flesh peeking out above the surface. Every single thing. Every single scalpel and every single gauze. The white and silver items in the room all covered, all dirtied, all contaminated, with my blood. I felt myself begin to panic, because I had no idea what was happening, where I was, and who did this. All I know at this moment is that my body is being altered or fixed or manipulated. I couldn't hold my anxiety back anymore. I lunged forward, out of either a bed or a cot, only to have multiple hands on my chest, push me back down.

"Genji!" A woman cried out to me. She was also one of the hands that pushed me back down. I settled down, seeing that these people around me meant no danger. Everyone looked at me, like I was some a kind of unknown creature on display.

"Gabriel, get Jack." The lady spoke again, more calm and collected this time. Gabriel, a tall man dressed in an all black outfit, but, I did notice his emblem was different from woman's. His was black and red, with some sort of shuttle in the middle of it, which resembled hers, which was orange and white, and then I realized:

I'm in the Overwatch HQ.

My heart sunk as I looked at the lady still there, in the room with me, fixing things around her, and disposing the contaminated tools in a red trash bin. I stared intently as I waited for her to turn around, and when she did, I saw her name tag.

"Dr. Ziegler," I called out to her, making her whirl around to see me. She walked towards me with a smile and waited for me to finish. "Why am I here?"

I saw her smile drop a bit, and she began explaining to me what happened.

"We were making our rounds, to see if anybody needed help, as it's our job. We went to every country. Italy, Germany, America, Mexico, France, Japan-"

She paused, inhaled deeply and looked me directly in the eyes.

"Which is where we found you. You had multiple casualties; everywhere.
We identified you right away, so, we took you in."

I had tears welling in my eyes and I'm guessing the doctor noticed, because she stopped answering questions. I wanted to yell and curse at her for making me recall those moments before I ended up here.

"Anyway, we have fixed your body, and replaced all needed components of your body with prosthetics, which work just as well." She gave me that same pitying smile at the end of each sentence.

"Fixed?" I barked out, visibly upset. "If I were fixed, I wouldn't be here, I'd be dead."

Dr. Ziegler took a step back, looking partly upset, partly shocked, and partly scared.

"Well, you aren't supposed to be here, you're just here for your body to be mended. You're in Blackwatch." She said flatly, looking down and then, she jumped up and cursed under her breath, and I heard her heels, clicking in the distance. I closed my eyes, my arms crossed, and then I heard yelling a few moments after, of multiple people, including Dr. Ziegler. This went on for a few minutes and all of it was inaudible, so, I got up, nearly fall when I did so, due to the immense pain that happened when I did so, but, I continued walking. Slowly inching towards the voices, they became more clear, and I was able to hear what they were saying now.

"Are you kidding me? You tricked me! You never told me about this!" Dr. Ziegler cried. You could envision her throwing her arms around in a fit, her face red from anger.

"You wouldn't have let us done it if we told you!" A voice shouted back.

"That's the point! If you have a patient, you want me to make them into a weapon? Some kind of killing machine? You manipulated me Jack! Reyes, you too! I know that's what Blackwatch likes, but, don't ever expect me to do that willingly, because I have a little dignity in me."

I heard a paper rip and the heels again, exiting the room, and Dr. Ziegler was taken aback to see me. I even heard a little yelp from her.

She was frozen in shock as she looked at me, and then everyone else followed her out. Jack and Reyes didn't even look at me, they looked always around my eyes, always somewhere other than that.

"Genji, we-"

"We!?!" Dr. Ziegler cried, as she turned around, her light hair whirling with her, side stepping away from the man she was yelling at before, Jack, as he said that. "You're apologizing. You're explaining. This is all you."

Jack sighed deeply and then Reyes began speaking.

"Genji, we made you the way you are right now. We made you the weapon we needed. We altered you while you had no choice of what to be. We made you a monster. We're sorry-"

I lunged at him with full force, punching him over and over and over until I saw blood from it. Each impact of my fist to his face felt so wonderful, and invigorating, as if I were feeding off his pain. Jack tried to pull me off of him, but, I persisted. I could almost feel the adrenaline pump through my prosthetic veins. My arms were an uncontrollable shaky mess, but still strong and aggressive, which I wanted. Reyes pushed me off of him, and began to flee, but, I felt the weapons that they gave me, and I threw them with tremendous force, wanting to cause pain.

Three shurikens landed in a vertical array along his back, causing him to cry in pain.

"Reyes!" Both Jack and Dr. Ziegler cried.

I began to feel weak, and my legs began to throb so much that I winced with pain. I felt myself collapse to the floor and then blacked out.

I woke up in a different room, this time, a man was in it. He walked closer towards me, their face not visible in the lighting. They walked towards me until they were right in front of me. I squinted and tried to make out a face, and then I saw him.

It was Hanzo. I began frantically looking around, for any kind of help, but, he then took out a blade, which reflected in the moonlight, and he placed it on my stomach. It had the same feeling, where he was poking me. I couldn't move, and I tried screaming, but, they were either muffled or I couldn't.

"Less than half a man!"

He cried, making me shake from fear. My heart felt like it pounded outside my chest and before I could feel it skip a beat, he punctured me with the sword.

I jumped up, screaming, and I heard footsteps coming in the room I was in.

"Oh, 'yer awake."

A man with a cowboy hat walked in.

"'Yer the one who gave Reyes quite the beatin'," He said, chuckling to himself.
"I'm impressed, Ninja."

"Who even are you?" I asked, rising up in bed, still shaken by my dream.

"Name's McCree. Best gunslinger 'round," He smiled, a third of the way through, due to the cigar in his mouth. "You alright? You look a lil' bothered."

I stared in a daze, trying to remember my dream, but, I looked at him and nodded.

"Yeah. I'm great."

"Good. Now, follow me. We 'gon see 'whatchu can do 'fer us."

I struggled out of bed, my legs shaking either from pain or my dream, I couldn't figure out which, and followed behind him to our destination.

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