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If this pile of levitating tin cans really thinks I'd give into what he's trying to do. He's wrong. I did all their stupid shit. I did the meditations and all the connections with oneself stuff. I was only here for two things: shelter and food. The best part was, they hadn't picked up on it. None of the monks. I hadn't spoken to any of the monks, anyway. I actually haven't spoken to anyone, just that robot, Zenyatta, advising me and trying to help me and me blatantly ignoring him. I had a secluded area, where there was an overhead so no snow got on me, where there was wood as the floor. It was almost like a tiny room. I was next to the mediation center. It was great. It was just a normal life. Something I strived for. I was doing great one day, but for once, I listened to Zenyatta.

What a mistake that was.

"Genji?" I heard Zenyatta call out. The night had been empty and cool, and I, like usual, was in my spot. I grunted, letting him know I was here. He came into my room, and we never made eye contact. He just came up next to me.

"You've received a letter. I went to the market this morning."

He handed me an apple, and a letter, that had a perfumed scent on it. I looked at the front of it, seeing a blank space, almost like a white empty void. I slowly opened, wondering who would mail me.

But, then, it dawned upon me that it could be Dr. Ziegler. She's the only one who could've sent me a letter, after what I left her with.

But, how?

How'd she even find me? Maybe I'm over thinking it. Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions. I haven't even opened the damn letter.

Slowly, I unfolded it, my heart pounding.

Dear Genji,
               I saw your message, Genji. I completely understand, and it's fine. Ever since you left, tensions rose, hence why Overwatch fell not to long ago. It's been lonely, very quiet. I don't have much to do, very different from my life at HQ. I just don't feel as if I have much of a purpose anymore. I hope you're doing better in your current life. I hope the monks are treating you well, which they are. I got this apple for you. Ironic, isn't it? Why would I ever want to be away from you, but you know, I know you need your time, so please, take as long as you need.
                                                        Sincerely, Angela

"Zenyatta, where is she?!" I asked, getting up.

"She was only at the market. She never said anything about her location." He said calmly.

"Zenyatta, you don't understand! I need to find her!"

"Why is that?"

I was silent for a moment.

"I just--"

"I sense that you two had a connection. Yes?"

I nodded.

"We had a connection, but, I don't know anymore."

"She obviously cares for you if she returned your letter."

"I know..."

"Genji, why were you connected to her?"

Zenyatta turned to me, and I thought for a second and smiled.

"She was nice, and she was always there for me. She was always willing to help. She helped me through my troubles with my sleep patterns. She had a brightest smile and her touch..."

I trailed off, feeling his non-existent eyes on me.

"I see you felt a strong bond with her."

"Yeah.." I could hear the smile coming from him as I said that.

"You had conflict. With what?"

"My brother. The clan didn't like my actions, so they tried to make my brother force me into it and..."

I sighed, taking off my mask to eat the apple Angela gave me. It was sweet and juicy, the fluid running throughout my mouth as I chewed.

"Maybe you should write her back, Genji."

"How would she get it back, though?"

"I'll find a way."

I stared at him, wondering what he meant.

"Right now, focus on writing." Zenyatta said, pointing indoors. Slowly, I got up, taking a piece of paper and a feather, dipping it in ink.

"Good choice with the letters, Genji. They're much more sentimental." Zenyatta told me.

I chuckled, feeling my cheeks flush as I began writing to her.

Dear Angela,
                    I hope you're doing well and aren't holding on to your old habits. I appreciate the apple that you've sent me, it is quite delicious. I'm eating it right now as I speak to you in this letter or write, rather. The monks are treating me well, and I was a bit of a hard head when I first came, to be completely honest. But, I'm getting better. I want to continue writing to you, after this, to make our communication easier, cause we aren't face to face, and I don't believe we will be for a while. Unless, that can be changed. I hope to hear more from you. Keep in contact.
                                                     Sincerely, Genji

Focal TurmoilOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora