On The Same Page

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Limping down the hallway with McCree was very quiet, so quiet that you could hear the jingling of his spurs. Nobody was really around wherever I was, and honestly, I could see why, because after yesterday, even I would've been a tad frightened of myself. Just imagine, person that just got in HQ a few hours ago, attacking a commander, and now you have to work with them. Maybe the clan was right. Maybe my purpose is to only kill and exterminate.

We walked for a while, I never asked where we were going, I just blindly followed them, until Dr. Ziegler saw us walking in the corridor, running directly at me. She flashed a smile at me before grabbing my wrist and leading me to her office, which resembled the one I woke up in yesterday. McCree followed aswell, awkwardly standing in the corner of the room as she sat me down.

"Good morning, Genji," She said, hastily struggling to put on a glove with one hand, fumbling through a tool kit with the other. "I've been notified that today is your training for Blackwatch and I wanted to make sure everything is okay with you, after yesterday's incident."

"What if I'm-" I winced for a moment as she inserted a sharp objects in my leg, her eyebrows furrowing as if she was sorry. "What if I'm not well enough for the training?"

"I'm pretty sure 'yer fine if you can take on Reyes and have the upper hand." McCree chimed in, shifting his eyes, stifling a laugh. The idea of Reyes getting attacked was so funny to him, maybe because I was new, as if I were a weak link.

"Jesse!" Dr. Ziegler cried, turning around to see him, a smirk on his face.

"Out. Close it behind you please." She pointed to the door and waiting for him to leave, the door slamming behind him, not purposefully, though. As she walked back towards me she put a mask on her face, returning back to my leg.  After a few moments of her cutting wires, molding plastic and metal, removing things, adding things, she set all materials on the table, and going toward the sink to wash her hands.

There was a sickening silence in the room, until she spoke.

"Genji, I'm sorry for what happened yesterday, and I'm sorry for what's happened to you," She said softly, sitting in a chair, staring at me. "If I would've known, that would've never happened."

Towards the end of the sentence her voice started to shake. I stayed quiet and let her speak, I'm sure she had more to say, because yesterday, she seemed upset, more upset than me even.

"What they made me do to you," She paused again, biting the cuticle of her index finger. "I would have never done that to you."

A few more tears streamed down her face.

"Genji, I barely even know you, and you are just supposed to be a patient, but, you're much more than that."

She laid a hand on my knee, and while I thought me, being made out of metal, would make her shiver, but ironically, I shivered instead from her warm touch.

"They saw you as nothing more than a mere project. Genji, listen to me," She got up and put both hands on my shoulder and looked at me in the eyes, keeping her distance still. I saw her face in immense detail, all her features soft and light. I stared back into the watery blue portals that were in front of me.

"You are not a project. You are not a patient. You are human. If you need anyone to talk to, I'm here. Okay?" 

I nodded to her, tears brimming in my eyes. I couldn't say anything back to her, I didn't know why, but, I was just too much awe, partly because of her kind gesture, and also because I felt skeptical. Turning me into a weapon without my consent. Could I really trust them? However, it seemed that she actually genuinely wanted to help, and I saw that, as exemplified from yesterday. She had emotions towards her patients. Maybe she's just one of those compassionate doctors. I understood that.

I also appreciated that, but, I couldn't help to ignore the fact that someone here cares for me, because I just don't trust anyone. And the fact that she said I'm more than just a patient, bothered me.

She walked towards the door and I followed, walking out side by side with her. Just like my walk with McCree, it was silent. She led me to the Blackwatch HQ, and once we reached there, she leaned in close to me, whispering in my ear. I could feel the heat radiating off of her as she did so.

"And by the way," She began. I could practically hear the smile growing on her face. "Good job on Reyes."

She smiled and walked away from me. I had a hidden smirk on my face, not as intense as her smile, but, it fell as I turned and walked into the doorway, entering Blackwatch.

"Well, look who decided to arrive. Get down here." Reyes motioned to me in a dip in the ground, which I almost fell in whilst trying to get down, my legs still aching from yesterday.

"Do you think it's necessary for him to train if he beat you?" A woman called from above, very stalky and slender.

"Moira, that was a cheap shot. I'm sure it's different face to face." The audacity of him to say that in front of me.

"But you still needed my help for your injuries didn't you? I'm sure if it were something minor you wouldn't need my assistance. Correct?"

Reyes stood in silence, and you could tell he had some kind of remark brewing in his mind, but, he kept his mouth shut.

"Besides, I did a better job than that angel would ever do." Moira mumbled to herself, walking away with elegance.

"She really doesn't like her, does she?" McCree asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's just a little friendly competition," Reyes smiled, but, then paused. "Where's Tracer?"

Just then, a gorilla barged into the room, visibly out of breath.

"Winston," Reyes cried from below. "Where the hell is Tracer?"

Winston looked to the side, a little disheartened, you could tell by his light orange-brown hued eyes, becoming glossed.

"Her Chrono-Accelorator. It had another malfunction." The way he said it you can tell they had a strong relationship.

Reyes cursed under his breath, and proceeded to get out the aperture we were in. I followed after, not sure if I should comment on anything.

"Hey, Genji, try going in on that dummy." Reyes said, pointing to a sack, leaned against a wall.

Slowly, but, surely, I saw it become someone else. The eyebrows from two bushels of straw pieces, the round potato face of it becoming more angular like mine. The sticks became toned muscles. The bag turned lighter and pale like me. The guts of the dummy, actually became guts, a pink and red mess, spilling out of me, my eyes flickering, blood overflowing out of my mouth, gashes all over my body, full of blood, and if they weren't, you'd see the bare insides of me.

I was mortified.

All voices muffled, all surroundings became a blur. I couldn't move. I stood there, as if I were being held against my will. I so badly wanted to leave. I wanted to scream and yell. But, I couldn't. I couldn't stop the tears literally shooting out my eyes. My breathing shortened. My chest felt tight. My heart was in my throat, and just when I thought it couldn't have gotten worse, I look slightly above my dying body, and saw Hanzo, not looking at the body, but at me.

And then he began running at me, with full force and full speed.

I was finally able to move, so I darted down the halls as fast as I could. I heard people calling my name, then chanting it, and the voices came closer and closer as he stalked towards me. I could've sworn I ran halfway across the entire HQ, sprinting for my room, his footsteps as fast as mine, maybe faster, looking for any escape. I didn't care about anything else other than my survival. I won't let him kill me this time. My whole body ached as I saw my door in a proximity, and with a burst of speed I reached the door, barging through it and slamming it behind me. My throat and chest felt hot and dry as I panted uncontrollably. A few seconds after I entered the room I heard silent sobbing, which then dissipated, but, then someone banged on the door. I thought he found me, but, then I heard her voice.

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