Less Than Half A Man

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Father had died a few days ago, leaving the whole Shimada legacy to my older brother, Hanzo, and I, and because he was older, he became master of the clan, which I hated. Everything with him had to be orderly and traditional, so dull and without life or creativity. He was now the boss of me, and he ordered me around, and of course, I didn't listen. Who would? He had already began trying to unite with nearby clans to increase our power.

"Genji," He said in his omniscient, demanding tone. "We have a feast scheduled tonight with a clan, you need to be there. If you aren't then the deal we have will be called off."

"I got plans." I said as I tried to push past him, as he was in the doorway of my room.

"What?" Hanzo cried bewildered, as if he couldn't believe that I'm living outside of traditions.

"What plans?" He demandingly asked as he tugged me back by my collar, causing me to stagger backwards.

"I am going to a date. I have a lady to see at Rikimaru. Can't be late, and I'm afraid that dinner of yours, cuts into my time."
I smirked at him, and he furrowed his eyebrows, and began to speak, a little louder this time.

"Father wouldn't have wanted this, Genji. You have a new lover every week. You need to fix your foolish act before-"

"I'm foolish?!" I interrupted, shouting at him. "I don't want to be in some group of murderers just to gain some power! Hanzo, they brainwashed you! You don't have the slightest amount of humanity in you. Everybody in this clan is a stone cold killer."

I stormed out of my room, and looked down on the first floor, where to dojo was. I heard Hanzo follow me, and I could tell he had something to say.

"So, our father is a killer too? Our father, the leader of the empire, that coddled you and protected you from the elders, because of your immature acts! Is he evil too?"

"I'm leaving. Bye."

I turned around and began to walk away, but, pushed me against the railing.

"Genji, I swear. Stay here."

"Get off me! I'm not going to any stupid dinner. Let me go!"

I nudged him back with my leg, and he stumbled backwards, looking down, gripping his sword, that dangled on his hip.

"Genji," He said, looking up at me, his fury boiling.

"You are a disgraceful child to our father,"
He got up quickly, slamming me against the banister with his blade, making it creak.

"H-Hanzo?" I stutter gasping for air, trying to push his weight off me. I could hear my voice wobbling.

"But you're more disgraceful as a brother."

He said with pure hatred, as I tried to grab my sword from behind me, but that was too much for the railing. As I reached for my blade, the banister gave in, cracking causing me to fall back onto the dojo floor, my back, aching from the fall. I looked up to see Hanzo looking down at me, aiming for me, his grip on the sword strengthening as he pointed it downwards as he jumped down. Panicking, I moved out the way, missing his shot just by a few inches. As I began to get up, I pulled out my blade from my back, slouching, as my back still hurt.

"Hanzo?" I asked loudly, my voice echoing through the dojo.

It was only a moment after did I hear his soft footsteps behind me, his sword barreling towards me. I doubled down on the ground, still holding my sword, trying to stop his blows, but, I couldn't. Soon, there were multiple slashes, one managed to get my leg, causing blood to ooze out. I tried to get off the ground, and another blow came, but luckily, I rolled out the way, but seconds after my triumphant thought, Hanzo came, and simply pushed me onto the wall after carrying me. I let out a grunt as I felt my pants to feel blood gushing out of my other leg. I was struggling to keep consciousness, my eyes fluttering, and though the room began to dim, I saw Hanzo's figure, approaching me. He knelt down beside me, and began to lift his sword, slashing me over and over again, getting my face, my arms, my legs, just; everything. Hanzo, his blade steady, began to put the deadly weapon away. I began to open my mouth, and as I did, I tasted blood, and I mustered all the strength I could, to feel my face, rubbing my fingers over the slits on my face causing my heart to drop so hard, it hurt. He stared at me, and I stared back, and I couldn't tell what emotion he had, or if he just had none.

Just emotionless.

He then leaned in and got close to me, and said with genuine feeling:

"You aren't even half the man our father was."

I widened my eyes as I felt the blade that I believed, poke my stomach, soon he pushed it with such a force that it penetrated my skin, causing immense pain. I tried to reach out to him, but, he walked away. The room becoming darker, I closed my eyes and accepted my fate.

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