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As I suspected, I couldn't sleep, I just stared at the ceiling in the dark, hearing the whirr of my body within the silence. Then I heard loud banging in my door. I jerked my head up, making me drop the continuous thoughts I had, about Dr. Ziegler, about Blackwatch, about Overwatch, about myself. I got up to answer the door, to see that it was Reyes, looking very tired as always.

"Hey, Genji. Having trouble sleeping?" He asked, looking at my room behind my shoulder. I nodded, looking up at him, waiting for his announcement or for some sort of intel, because he would never talk to me, even though I saw his change of heart before.

"Yeah," I said, looking at him dead in the eyes. "However, you didn't come here to ask me that. What do you need?"

"Blackwatch is having a meeting in a few. Be there."

He quickly turned on his heel, but before he did, I grabbed his forearm, holding him back.

"What's the meeting about?"

"You'll find out later."

Once again, he turned on his heel, but I again, more aggressively this time, latched on to his arm before he could fully turn around.

"What is it about?" I asked, gritting through my teeth. I emphasized every word.

He glared at me, contemplating whether or not he should speak, I bet.


He pulled his arm away and stormed off. I caught a glance of his displeased face before he went. I clicked my mask on and trailer behind him.

Arriving to the Blackwatch HQ, I saw McCree and Moira, sitting across from each other, as well as Jack and Ana, sitting next to each other at the round table. Reyes sat at the head of the table, and I sat directly across from him.

"Here's the deal, you're going to Rialto. We've got eyes on Antonio, already." Jack said aloud, mainly towards Reyes.

"Gerard and I already spoke about this. I know what I'm going to do." Reyes defensively replied.

"It isn't about what you're going to do, it's about what you're all going to do. You're a team." Ana said firmly, softly banging the table.

"You want us to capture Antonio. Got it." Reyes scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Reyes, we just want you to understand what the mission calls for." Jack said.

"I understand what the damn mission calls for. I went over it several times with Gerard!"

"I just don't want the mission to be compromised!"

"If you're so worried why not let Overwatch do it?"

"Can both of you shut the hell up?"

All eyes turned to McCree, who just looked agitated.

"Jack, let us just do the mission. We got it."

McCree got up, his seat screeching as he got up. His spurs jingled as he left the room, the sound getting lower as he left.

"This was abysmal." Moira mumbled under her breath, leaving the room.

I decided to get up, leaving the room. I didn't feel any eyes on me, it was the tension in the room that bothered me.

"Our aircraft arrives soon. It's probably waiting for us right now, I bet." I heard McCree say to Moira, who walked beside him.

"McCree!" I called him. He and Moira turned, waiting for me to catch up.

"What's Rialto?" I asked while running between them.

"Rialto is where Antonio Bartalotti, a man who deserves hell." Moira explained.

"Piece of shit that guy is. He's come for Overwatch countless times, trying to get Gerard, and not so long ago, they attacked Oslo." McCree elaborated.

"We're going to get him, only because he's one of the people on the top. Getting him would shake the very conscious and stability of Talon."

"Damn." I whispered, looking down. I've never heard of Talon, but they seemed like a top priority for Overwatch, which is odd, considering Blackwatch is doing it.

"Killing instead if capturing would be more reasonable, but we have to keep this under wraps. Gabriel seems like he'll do what he wants to do, anyway." Moira said, shrugging.

"Jack will be on his ass if he doesn't follow the protocol. He's walked him through it at least a gazillion times. Reyes is all pissed about it."

We filed into the airship, that was dark, made up of black and stormy grey hues, unlike the Overwatch ones. There really was a fine line between the two.

Reyes was sitting on a chair, looking displeased with the situation, his face having a distaste about it. You could clearly tell he wasn't happy about the situation.

He didn't even ask if I understood the mission. It was as if I was coming along, blindly following them, doing as told. It made up most of my time here anyway.

The aircraft closed and we all sat down, waiting to arrive at our destination: Rialto.
   .   .   .          

"Remember Reyes, yer' bein' discreet." McCree told Reyes, looking down at the perimeter.

One by one we all went down, sliding in the ropes, taking out guards who were guarding Antonio.

We made out way to his office, all four of us there, Reyes in front of us, being the leader. There were few words exchanged, but every word that came out was aggressive and blunt.

I barely noticed Reyes shoot Antonio in the face, it was quick, it was swift, it was guided by his own intention. Reyes didn't care about the mission. He stared as Antonio's body crashed out the window, and then alarms began to sound. McCree lost it, yelling at him under the blaring sirens, cascading the room in red, covering McCree who threw his arms up in the air, his face getting more red as he ranted to Reyes, who, for once, stayed silent. He knew what he did was wrong, and that he'd be in trouble for it. Reyes knew he fucked up. But it was like he was a man, walking to his own demise.

And they saw that demise coming. They knew.

He just didn't care.

After Rialto happened, I finally saw what McCree meant by Overwatch was going to shit.

A/N: Hey guys, quick note. Sorry for all the inactivity, so for the rest of the week, a new chapter will be put out everyday. The reason these chapters are taking longer is because I had the first few chapters written and planned on Microsoft Word, and now that my drafts are gone, I've come across writer's block, so it takes me a while to think about things, and write them through, rather than just having my draft and correct it, adding on as I go, which is much easier. Again, apologies! Nin out!

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