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I woke up to hear the sounds of the ocean, followed by some footsteps as I rolled over in bed, reaching for my mask on the nightstand.

"Good morning." I heard Dr. Ziegler say happily, peeking out from the balcony doorway.

"Are you feeling better?" I asked her, still worried for her safety.

"Much. Come." She smiled and waved me over to the balcony. I got up, leaving my mask at the nightstand, being more comfortable with her, so I didn't seem to need it. The sun shines on her, making her entire existence seem golden. It was a pleasure of mine. I've underestimated not only how much she meant to me, but how much I meant to her.

We stood in silence on the balcony, and I looked over the landscape. I heard silent whimpers come from her.

"Genji..." She whispered, looking at me.
"Don't go."

"What?" I croaked out, still overlooking the waves.

"I know you've been wanting to leave this place. Don't go."

She reached for my arm, gripping it tight, her other hand on my shoulder.

"Why would you leave me?"

She put her weight on me, pushing me again the banister. I avoided eye contact, trying not to let her best me right now. I was taken by surprise, because her tone sounded genuinely hurt. I turned to look at her, to try to comfort her, but instead I saw a darkness surrounding me. I cursed to myself, because I knew this was one of my dreams that I wouldn't escape until I was faced by an ordeal.

"Genji..." I heard faint voices call out to me from all around. It felt as if they slithered onto my ankles, which I couldn't see because of a mist in cold, dry air. I could barely make out what was in front of me, which was basically nothing. The grabbed and palmed at my arms, trying to pull me into their dark abyss. The mass shrieked in a way, popping out randomly in bursts of noise, just for the hell of frightening me. The circle around me tightened and tightened, and the voices constricted my neck at this point. I yelped as they seemed to cover my body in a dark substance, their screaming becoming more prominent. I couldn't do anything. I was bound to this spot, and only my left eye was open to the air. I struggled to breathe as darkness formed what seemed to be a mind of it's own, form a head right next to mine. They began chanting something, something I couldn't make out.

Slowly, the shadows released my body, and they swirled around me, dissipating little by little the more it did go round. I was frozen by my fear, the voices chanting becoming clearer.

"Stay with us, Genji." They said.

I shifted my eyes to see the shadows, become the faces I've come to know here at Overwatch. I could make out familiar faces, like Jack, Ana, and Reyes, the other beings being miscellaneous, ones I've never identified. There was one person missing though. The most familiar voice.

Dr. Ziegler.

Just then, I felt hands reach for my waist, and then a hot, a death-like heat, one that was like the depths of hell was on my back, breathing. I whipped around, and there she was, in my face.

No light. No purity. Just a dark mangled mess. Her hair wasn't soft, it was wires, string-like. Her skin was cracked, as if she were a broken porcelain doll.

I could tell it was her, but the terrifying thing was, that these nightmares, these creatures, my own demons, have included her within them.

"Stay with me, Genji." She whispered huskily into my ear, breathless, sending shivers down my spine.

After that, the figures all darted at me, and then all I saw was the black abyss as I screamed.

I jolted out of bed, panting, looking around my room, Dr. Ziegler was still asleep on my sofa, and for a moment I contemplated, staring at her peacefully asleep. She looked worried and concerned, even then. I went of to my vanity, looking at myself in the mirror, my red eyes glaring back. The slits on my face were now scars. I look down and see the note Dr. Ziegler gave me.

"Welcome to the team. If you need anything, come to me.  - Angela"

I saw it, and smiled to myself. She really was the only one.

I picked a pen off the side the vanity. Flipping the note backwards, I clicked the pen, thinking of what to say.

My last words to her.

Dear Angela,
                     I know you know that I'm leaving for a reason. I'm unhappy here, and you know that, you being my companion here, knew that and saw it first hand. You saw me suffering, and I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry, Dr. Ziegler. It's for the best.
                                              Sincerely, Genji

I folded the note, leaving it on the dresser, putting her name on the outer-folds so that she sees it. I took one lasting look at her, soundly sleeping, and I felt terrible, because I knew her being at peace, was a rare thing.

I walked over to the balcony door for one last time, soaking in the sunlight on my bare face. I closed my eyes, feeling the warmth of it surge on my face, as almost if it healed it. I clicked my visor on slowly and then hopped over the banister, leaving her and Overwatch behind.

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