Chapter 38 Seraph

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I've been waiting, like I said I would, and nothing. She hasn't made any big moves yet. She just taunts from a safe distance. That's it, and it's irritating. Raphael was right, but I'll never admit that. With how irritating it is though, I'm still not going to do anything yet. It is still our best strategy.

This whole situation has me on edge. And I think Raphael is enjoying that. Some things never change I guess.
I'm so lost in thought about what's going on between Scarlet and I, I haven't noticed much of what's going on around me. I don't even realize how oblivious I am until Raphael taps repeatedly on my shoulder. "Angel," he taps irritatedly, though his voice is amused, "Halo." He taps another few times. "Wingless, you in there?" He asks, tapping harder another couple of times.

"What?" I'm finally pulled from my thoughts, slightly startled and confused.

"Did you hear Tony?" Raphael questions, know the answer and asking anyway. He studies me for a reaction or possibly to confirm a suspicion he might have.

I shake my head to clear it. "No, sorry," I try for a polite tone but it comes out as more of a shaky whisper. I look towards Tony, who I hadn't previously realized had joined us. When did that happen? I must have been really caught up in my thoughts. "What were you saying?"

"There's a school dance coming up." Tony stated. He almost sounded hopeful, like he was expecting something. I don't understand the importance of this information. We don't have dances in the Righteous realm. And definitely not ones hosted by the schools. I knew what they were from the studies I had done about human cultures in school and training. But I don't understand the significance of them.

Raphael must have noticed because I caught him smirking as he watched the scene unfold. "What's the matter Angel? Never heard of a dance?"

I roll my eyes as him. "Of course I've heard of one. But-"

"But they don't have dances in the Righteous Realm," Raphael cuts me off. "You probably are unfamiliar with the concept of trivial cultural celebratory traditions meant for the sole purpose of having fun." His grin widens as he pauses, daring me to contradict him. "Go on Angel, tell me I'm wrong."

I can't. He's completely right. I hate to admit it though. I stare at him, trying my best to keep a straight face and not look away. I can't imagine how Tony feels right now.

"Wait," Tony starts, "you don't have dances where you're from?" Finally I glance at him as he looks between both Raphael and I. "Either of you?"

"Nope!" Raphael states, popping the "p" at the end. He's enjoying this way too much. "That would be a trivial human practice that just has no place in the pompous society of the Righteous. And Hell, well, don't even get me started. To put it simply, there would be no dancing. So there's really no point."

"Well, then it's settled," Tony states as if the conversation is ended. He doesn't even elaborate. I mean I'm sure he knows what he's talking about, and By the grin on Raphael's face I'm positive he knows. But I don't.

"What's settled?" I ask for clarification.

Raphael tries to cover up a snorted laugh, but I hear it. With a huge grin on his face, as if he's won something, he states and triumph and amusement, "We're going to a dance dear Angel. And the two of us are going to teach you to have fun."
I sit in confused and stunned silence for a few beats after having this information sink in. Apparently it was too long for Raphael though because before I could respond he gives another quip. "You do know what fun is Halo? I mean, they do have some sort of fun up there in cloud central, right?" He snickers, obviously pleased with himself.

I however, am not. Pleased with him that is. I'm stunned with this information and my mind is racing. I studied this part of human culture, I know what it is and what goes with it. But I don't have the first idea of where to start. This wasn't covered in training.

A/N: I know it's been a while since I've updated and I'm sorry. Usually I have more free time in the summer but this summer I didn't. I'll get more updates up soon. Thanks for your patience.

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