Chapter 32 Raphael

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After glaring uncomfortably at the back of Scarlet's head the entire school day one could say I was a little pent up and itching for a fight. Am I in my right mind? Probably not. I can't say that my emotions are getting the better of me because I don't feel emotions. But something was building inside me, and I wanted to let it out on her. So it's not exactly a surprise that after school I grab her wrist roughly and drop her away from the school. I shoot Angel Wings a looks telling her to not follow and stay with Tony. I storm to the woods by the nearest border of the town. I don't stop until we're about ten feet deep into the sea of trees. I release her wrist but turn and grip her forearms in a vice each and shove her body into the nearest tree, pressing her back firmly against the bark.

"Careful, you might actually hurt me," she laughed. She looks me over with a grin as I huff, trying to control my actions. I tighten my grip and start to form a response in my head but she cut me off. "What's the matter? Halo got your tongue?"

I pull her towards me and slam her back into the tree, harder this time. "What do you think you're up to she-devil?" I hiss.

Her grin widens. "So he does speak. Question is," she kicks off the tree with a force strong enough to make me stumble a step. And that's all the retreat she needs. Her knee comes up to connect with my gut and then my rib cage. Even though she may look slight, I know she's still got the otherworldly strength that comes with our kind. And with that strength she probably at least bruised a few ribs. "Do you still bite back?"

I release a frustrated sigh and straighten. I leave scratches on her arms as I release my grip on her. I swing my leg up the same second and connects with her shoulder. It was supposed to hit her head but I'm short and she's not. Still, she stumbled. While she's still regaining her balance I sweep her legs out from under her and pin her to the ground. "We've been down this road before. You know how this ends. You were always a disappointment."

She screams in frustration and small flames start to dance around her fingers. She tries to kick me off her, but with me sitting on her hips and upper thighs that wasn't really working.

I smirk. "You always had a way with fire." I put more pressure on her for a second to make my point before getting up. "I think it's time you left."

She gets up and lunges at me with the fire still in her hands. Her hands were going to make contact with my face and leave a nasty mark but I grabbed her wrist just in time and shoved her back.

"How about I stick you in a vacuum and see what happens fire girl?" I taunt.

That was probably a really really bad idea. She lets out a scream of pure rage and attacks me. All skill and technique forgotten. This is pure instinct. The flames grow and she balls her hands into fists. I know that even with my strength, skill, and experience there is a slim chance that I could get the upper hand on such a ferocious attack. Her fists slammed into me repeatedly. I feel the impacts and heat from her flames. I can smell my clothes smoldering.

I swing at her and connect with her face. I go for her ribs and am successful a few times. Unfortunately this only makes her more angry. She starts kicking me. In the ribs, in my gut, she gets a good hit to my knees that takes me to the ground. Before I can roll to get up or brace for her next impact as she lunges to land on my back. Her nails, still flaming, rake down my back with unusual strength. I hear my shirt rip and feel her nails rip through my skin and burn it simultaneously. Those aren't scars that will go away anytime soon.

I feel the heat from her hands just over my skin after she releases her nails from my back. I know she is going for my neck. I don't know if she plans on burning through it, breaking it, or tearing it out but I know it wouldn't be good. When I feel she is close enough I use as much strength as I can and swing my arm backwards and knock her to the side. Unfortunately her hands collide really hard with my other shoulder as she falls off me. The shock puts her flames out so there is barely a burn, that meant there was a lot more blood. And her fingers sunk in deeper than I expected.

I grunt and roll away from her and kick her away from me, dislodging her from my shoulder. I try to get up but she hadn't rolled away as far as I thought because she kicks her leg out and trips me, I hit my head as I fall. Kind of a low move, but I didn't expect that from her. She scrambles to her feet while I'm still trying to get my bearings. She trips, as far as I can tell, and her claws imbedded into my front and she started clawing viciously at me.

With her fire out and her rage taking over all she was doing was attacking me like an animal now. After struggling, very painfully, for a while I managed to knock one of her legs out and throw her off balance. I kick again once she is down to get her off me entirely. I pull myself back against the nearest tree to help pull myself up. But she kicks back, just above my ankle, and there's a faint crack followed by searing pain and throbbing. I'm proud I don't make any sound or show of pain. I've been through enough pain I can handle this, for now.

"That's enough!" I shout. "Crawl back to your den. This is enough for tonight. Taking your rage out on me won't achieve your goal. So stop before we both do something we'll regret."

She stops and takes a step back. Maybe shouting at her shook her out of whatever took over her better judgement. She hisses at me, "This isn't over!" Then she takes off. I don't know where but she's gone.

I wait a minute or two to be sure she's gone. In that time I take an intake of my injuries. And it isn't good. I don't think I can patch myself up before the healing process starts. And I can't get help from here.

With some struggling I used the tree I was against to pull myself up. Then I was basically hopping from tree to tree for support. Eventually I make my way to the edge of the trees. No more support. And I can't risk walking on my injured leg until it set, if it is broken. I shouldn't risk it especially if I don't know if it's broken. My only hope if that Angel Wings finds me before it's too late.

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