Chapter 1 Seraph

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    "Seraph, please take a seat." I try not to let my nervousness show in the slight trembling of my hands as I take a step forward to sit in the single solitary marble seat in the center of the stone room, the council seated around me.

    "You have completed your schooling and training and are now requesting to be a guardian, is that correct?" The oldest and most distinguished of the twelve council angels in front of me asks. I simply nod, not trusting my nervous voice. "You understand the risks involved, the consequences, the danger, the rules? You are willing to pledge your life and your future in eternity to that life?" Again I nod. "Very well. It happens that we are running low on willing candidates. Here is your first charge. All the information you will need is within this file." I don't see a file on the desk in front of him. Unsure what to do I remain seated. Then a manila file folder appears in front of me and floats down to rest in my lap.

    "That is all Seraph. You may leave now." Without another word I take the file and slowly stand and walk out of the stone room. My heart is pounding in my chest, pumping my golden blood through my veins. They actually approved my request. I can hardly believe it! Nearly a hundred and twenty years of school and training and being told I'd never make it and I finally did.

    Once I am outside and on familiar ground I let my wings stretch out from their resting place at my back. The muscles slowly unwinding from the tense position. When my wings are thoroughly stretched out I open them wide and take off with one powerful push. The breeze is pleasant on my face and through the feathers of my powerful wings. I push my wings and glide home.

    I land lightly in front of my humble little home and enter through the front door, folding my wings so I fit. With a flick of my wrist my door closes and my blinds shut. I sit on the floor because I had no chairs and pull out the manila folder from where I had tucked it before I flew home. Taking a deep breath I open the folder and look at the picture in front of me.

    I smile at the lovely face in front of me, memorizing every detail of the face of the human I am to protect for life. This obviously isn't what they look like now, they haven't even been born yet. This is a picture of what they will look like in their prime. I don't bother to think about the alternative, which is that the picture is what the will look like the year I last see them.

    I look at the thin folder and the little information I have so far. The defining parts of them haven't been decided yet. This folder isn't just my assignment, it's my report. I have to leave tomorrow afternoon to get there on time. I check the time and decide to go and get all the preliminary things done at the agency tonight instead of trying to get it all done tomorrow. I grab my satchel and put the folder in it. Then I exit my home without a backwards glance, there will be time for that later.

    I pull the strap of my satchel across my chest, over my head, and adjust it to sit between my wings without rubbing. Then I open my wings, bend my legs, and take off. I soar in the warm air, closing my eyes I reach out my hands and brush the clouds by me as I pass by in a blur of speed as my wings propel me onward. I open my eyes and look for the place I want.

    I spy the large floating orb that is the agency and adjust my flight path accordingly. I dive in through one of the many entrances and land lightly by a front desk. "Hello Seraph, we've been expecting you," the slightly ornery angel behind the desk says without looking up from her paperwork. I don't bother to answer knowing it will only make her already edgy mood worse. "Vivian!" she calls, again without looking up and in a rather grumpy tone.

    A young angel appears behind her seemingly through the wall. I smile at her and she returns it, quietly gesturing me to follow her. I walk through the little gate and follow her through a series of hallways until she enters a room.
"Just go in and sit down, I'll be in soon. I just need to grab your file." Without answering I enter the room and sit on the exam table. I know that they need an exam before I go. To make sure they aren't sending someone in who isn't physically ready. And if for some reason a guardian isn't physically ready that they make the proper adjustments to make sure the job can still get done. Still, at least I'm a green, no history of injury yet. Well, no injury that matters at least.

Wings that Guard MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang