Chapter 34 Raphael

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I'm not able to catch Angel Wings as she collapses, even if I try. But I know she healed my leg. I know I'm probably pressing my luck when I say this but I can't help myself, "Well, that was unexpected. At least it worked."

"Is that all you have to say?" The outraged voice of the other guardian in the room responds. Honestly I don't even know his name. It's not that important to know his name.

"Is there something else I'm supposed to say?" I ask. I admit, my tone was less than polite. But what can I say? I love pushing it. It's in my nature.

I watch as his muscles tense. "What in Hell's name did you do to her?" He demands.

I tilt my head. "Watch your mouth big guy. That's my home you're talking about." I snap. Honestly I couldn't care less how anyone talked about the place. I hate the place as much as pretty much anyone who doesn't live there. I was just getting a kick out of this. I mean how dangerous could this guy be? I've taken down archangels. Granted I am recovering from a pretty good beating.

"And that's where you belong!" He hisses at me. "You're a filthy servant of the Betrayer and you're no better than him. So tell me why I shouldn't send you back to Hell where you belong." If I didn't know better I'd say he was complimenting me. But, contrary to popular belief, I'm not an idiot. And that sounded like a threat, which is cute.

"Alright," I start, crossing my arms with some difficulty and soreness, "first off, I'm not filthy and I'm no one's servant. And second, I'd like to take this opportunity to point out the unconscious angel at my feet who vouched for me and told you to trust her." I gesture to Seraph's crumpled body on the floor. Her breathing is steady and it doesn't look like she's waking up anytime soon. "I'm thinking maybe we should move Halo Girl here someplace more comfortable and try to be civil."

I see him debating with himself for a long minute. Eventually he sighs, "Alright, fine. This way." He gestures for me to follow him.

Seriously? I'm supposed to carry her? Me, who is covered and gashes and fresh stitches, is supposed to carry the unconscious girl? That doesn't seem like the best idea. "You really think I can carry her like this? I'll get the doors and lights, but I'm in no shape to carry someone Sunshine." It may have come out as a retort, so sue me. But it was true.

He huffs and rolls his eyes as he bends down to pick her up. I follow his directions to a bedroom. I'm surprised, honestly, I didn't think they'd actually settle down like this. There's actually a bed in the room, like a real bed. With sheets and bedding on it. And curtains on the windows. A dresser and stocked closet. I guess they're used to a certain life. It was almost human-like. Aside from the lack of any and all character to the room. It was more distant than a hotel room. At least those have pictures and themes.

I'm so busy taking in the room I barely notice Grey setting her on the bed. "So kid," he starts, but pauses when he turns and sees me. "Never seen a bedroom before?" The skepticism in his voice is almost insulting.
"Obviously I have." I roll my eyes. "It's just not what I expected," I say honestly, not that he would believe I am being honest.

After a pause, as if he's debating my honesty lack there of, he continues with he started saying earlier. "So kid, what were you going to explain to me earlier?"

"Right," I started, "first off, I'm not a kid. I'm almost a hundred and sixty." I pause to take a breath but he interrupts with a laugh.

"That still makes you a kid to me."

I glare at him, "Do you want me to finish or . . ?" I leave the question open ended. He gestures for me to continue and crosses his arms. "You wanted to know how she was able to heal me without her halo." It isn't a question, but wait for confirmation anyway. He nods and I continue, "Honestly, I'm surprised that you haven't noticed any signs." He opens his mouth to interrupt, no doubt with a question. I don't give him a chance though. "She's more powerful than your average lowly angel. She can see my kind when we aren't meant visible, or at least more than the typical sixth sense of your people. She can anticipate and protect from curses that I have never seen and you have seen her markings right? They are gold. That color is not for your ranking. I don't follow the test you're told to use to identify my kind but she knew what I was. She's more than just a Guardian."

It's silent for a few beats. I felt every second tick by. The only sound in the room is the breathing of the still unconscious Seraph on the bed. I know the old guy is thinking. I just don't know if I'm going to like his reaction once he's done thinking. "So if she's not our ranking, what is she? How come she didn't start showing signs before now? And, most importantly, how do you know all this?" His tone is calm, collected, under control. Not as all what I was expecting.
I take a deep breath, either one of us losing our heads in this could spell disaster for all of us. "I think she's probably an archangel. But the way your society ranks you, let's face it, it's full of flaws. They probably predicted how she was going to be such a—— what did she call it—— an independent thinker, that she would have threatened your precious system so they repressed her. And forced her into a lower rank. Your halos are modified to keep all of you in check. You do know that right?" I question. I mean they can't all be oblivious can they?

He doesn't answer. It doesn't matter, his silence, as they say, speaks volumes. They are all spoon fed this lie of freedom within structure. All they have to do is follow the rules and the rules will benefit them. They don't even realize they're selling themselves into slavery every single day.

Probably not the best idea, but I can't help it, I laugh. "I knew she was oblivious but I never thought all of you were. Oh how simple you must think your lives are. They're not." The humor in my tone slowly diminishes with every word.
"You never answered my last question." He points out.

"Oh right, how do I know all this? Let me bring you in on a little secret that can shatter both of our societies. I'm only half Fallen, Grumpy. The other half of me is Righteous. Bit of a twist wouldn't you say? Do I have to give you the whole 'birds and the bees' talk or can I just skip to telling you who my parents are?" I only wait half a beat before I continue, "My father was a Fallen. My mother on the other hand, she was a Death Squad Righteous angel. That means I have both of them in me. I can hear all of your little, honestly not very covert, messages to the underlings down here. I can see all of your signals. I know how to learn everything about your kind. And obviously I know all about the Fallen. Technically I don't fit in either, but I'd rather be a child of Hell than a oblivious slave of Heaven."

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