"No need to worry, I'm really not in a mood to fight with anyone", Freed laughed.

"You certainly don't seem like feeling well", Mira noticed. "You look feverish."

"No, I just slept badly, nothing more", the rune mage assured.

"Laxus might get worried."

"Who knows? I have not yet seen him in this morning, I thought he might be here but I guess I was wrong. Could you please bring me a cup of tea in our usual table?"

"Sure", Mira promised and Freed stood up and went to the stairs. Soon after that the white haired mage appeared on the second floor and put the cup on the table. "Are you sure you're okay?" she asked worried. "You look so pale..."

"I'm honestly fine, Mirajane. But thank you for your concern", Freed smiled and Mira left back to the bar giving him still one worried look on her way.

Freed lifted the cup on his lips and the tea really helped him to calm down a little. He just sat there and read the newspaper he managed to get. Nothing new - or at least nothing chaotic - was going on in Fiore. There was something written about the festival the Fairy Tail was about to arrange. Master Makarov was of course promising this would be the festival no-one could forget. Freed could only hope that would be because the festival was a big hit, not because they managed to destroy once again everything...

After he had drank the tea Freed pinched the bridge of his nose. His headache was getting worse. Maybe he really should go home and try to rest a little bit. He could use his time trying to come up with something for the festival since he had not yet come up with anything. He had just helped Laxus to train his own show.

The swordsman got up and slowly walked down the stairs, he didn't want to misstep now when he was feeling dizzy.

"I think I might follow your advise and go home", he said to Mira who smiled.

"Thank god, you really look like you should rest properly", she said. "I'll inform Laxus and others when I see them."

"Thank you, that would be quite helpful", Freed smiled, nodded and left the Guild. Bright sunlight made his head to ache even more so he would just walk straight home without stopping anywhere.

He hardly took two steps outside the Guild when he almost got startled to death because of angry: "Freed!"

With confuse he lifted his gaze and saw Laxus who seemed to be really pissed off right now.

"L-Laxus... Good morning", he stuttered because of the sudden appearance and he hadn't yet actually come up with what he would say to Laxus next time they would see each other! Now he just had to quickly figure something out. Always put Laxus' needs first, with that rule he should be able to handle this somehow.

"Don't you act like everything is just normal, Freed", Laxus snarled and Freed was lost.

"W-what do you mean?" he asked carefully. "Are you mad at me?" Of course he was he could see it all over Laxus' face and hear it from his voice. Everything was really over? They were once again only team members, if Laxus of course still would let him stay...

"Mad? I'm fucking furious!" Laxus shouted frowning.

"I know I deserve that", Freed said with submissive tone, lowering his gaze.

"Glad you understand that much", blond snorted.

"I understand that this must be hard for you, now that everything is back to normal. I should do my best and make this easier to you. Maybe I should take a mission that would last couple of months, take some distance so you have time to -"

"The fuck you're blabbering about?"

"T-the season. It's over now."

"Yeah? So?"

"Umm... I just... I mean..." Freed stammered trying to explain himself and ignore how his throat was aching like someone was tightening rope around his neck. He felt like someone was holding his heart in a tight grab and squeezing painfully.

"Is this again about that after the mating season thing?" Laxus asked. "I swear to god I thought you were already over with it. But no, here you are, walking around despite you should be resting and your head is probably filled with worst possible scenarios and you look like you might cry at any second", he growled and Freed's eyes widened. "You idiot have a fever, you should be in bed."

"B-but..." greenette stuttered and he was now shocked. Laxus didn't hate him? "S-so where were you? I thought..."

"Of course you thought that I wanted you out of my house, I should have known", blond grumbled. "I was looking for Porlyusica so she would come and check how bad your condition was", he said and grabbed Freed's hand pulling him along as they started their journey back to Laxus' house.

"I'm fine, Laxus", Freed assured and he smiled slightly. Laxus was not going to drive him away! He still wanted him in his house!

"Like hell you are okay, you don't remember a thing about the morning, huh?"

"Remember?" Freed blinked and he had no idea what Laxus was talking about.

"You had a really bad fever, I almost didn't get you to eat the medicine! And you were so quiet, not saying a thing and you didn't react when I tried to ask you how you were feeling, for a moment I was really scared what was happening. Obviously you are feeling much better now thanks to the medicine but you're going to stay in the bed until Porlyusica says it's okay for you to get up."

"Is she at your house now?"

"No, I couldn't find her, she wasn't at her cottage. I left her a note about the situation and told her to come over."

"You know she doesn't like that", Freed chuckled. "She always says that she don't want to visit guild members at their home since she is not some doctor from the small village who can be called over anytime."

"Now she just has to tolerate that", Laxus muttered.

"And what was with all those blankets?"

"I didn't want that you would feel cold while I was away."

"One blanket is enough, Laxus."

They arrived at the house and Freed smiled looking around. He was back. Laxus wanted him to stay. Well sure, he had to go back to his home at some point but they could still be together as a couple.

"Get to bed", Laxus ordered. "You can continue daydreaming there."

"If that is what you want", Freed smiled and left his coat on the rack, boots at the entry and headed towards the bedroom.

At the door he looked at Laxus.

"But what about the food?" he asked. "Are you going to make us the breakfast?" he asked and was now worried. Laxus could make food edible but it wasn't really tasty.

"I already told Bickslow to get us some pizza", Laxus said. Yeah, he didn't like his cooking either. "He shouldn't take long now. That thing is covered now so go to bed!" he roared and Freed winced and slipped to the bedroom.

There was no need to shout like that Freed thought to himself when he untied his ascot scarf. But... In some odd way he also liked it. Laxus was worried and taking care of him, but not yet too much so it would feel suffocating. He knew that he was sick so he understood that Laxus was worried.

The swordsman slumped on the bed. He was so happy he didn't even care any more if his head ached a little or he was feeling worn out because of the fever. He was back at Laxus' place, laying in his bed and even if the mating season was over they were still together.

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