1.5: Rhett Whimsicott

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"Rhett, let's play something~!"


Rhett raised his head and looked at the enigmatic Chim Sauerkraut. The class for this day is suspended due to the troubles regarding the knighthood department of the academy.

"I mean, Mr. Samuel is needed at the director's office and we already finished the seatwork. Why don't we also do something for entertainment?"

"What do you have in mind, Chim?"

"Let's play tag outside!"

"...Are you still a kid?"

"No, I'm not! But playing tag is fun, 'ya know~!"

[Host! Play with him for a better relationship!]

"...Are you made to make me die early?"

[Nope, host! I'm just making sure that you have a stable life in this world and the others to come!]

All of a sudden, an idea popped inside Rhett's mind as he stood up and grabbed the hand of Chim. Unconsciously, Chim seemed to enjoy what Rhett is doing right now.

"Let's go to the courtyard."

"What for?"

"I'm too delicate for running, why don't we watch the knights training?"

"Ooh! Sounds like a good plan! I'm in!"

He's easy, Rhett thought to himself while looking at Chim's excited face and both of them went to the path to the courtyard.

All of a sudden, Chim grabbed a hold of Rhett's arm as he was pulled back to a pillar, seemingly hiding from something.

"Why hide right now?"

"Shh, look! Someone else's at our spot!"

Chim peeked his head out as his eyes widened at the person at their usual spot.

"And it's a pretty girl! But not as pretty as me, duh!"

To see what Chim's panic came from, Rhett also propped himself on the wall as he also took a peek.

A girl with teal hair tied up in pigtails wearing a frilly dress sat there at the spot where both Chim and Rhett sits. Her hand grips a blue umbrella as her gaze to the training field seemed unwavered.

"Hey, hey. Do you know that girl?"

"Uhh, I don't know?"

"What do you mean you don't know?"

Rhett pulled on Chim's ear as he explained that he's also a new student for this school, thus the reason why he doesn't know the girl.

"Pao, can you look for the details of that girl?"

[Host, you didn't recognized her? She's Sapphire Chance, the female lead of this world and the main reason why Rhett Whimsicott died!]

"Why would I bother recognizing her?"

[She'll be the number one threat for your life there. Imagine, if you first meet then maybe you'll die like boogsh!]


Chim felt something on his shoulder as he saw Rhett place a hand there, on his eyes seemed to finally recognize the mysterious girl.

"Chim, she's Sapphire Chance, a rich girl that's currently popular amongst the grades below us."

"Ooh! That Sapphire Chance, that so-called 'Moonlit Fairy' that seemed to dance under the glow of moonlight whenever she roams around the school?"


"And I didn't even recognized her face! Hey, let's go back!"

Tugging on Rhett's sleeves, Chim seemed to plead to Rhett with puppy eyes as the latter sighed and agreed to go back to the classroom. Both of them was supposed to go back as they felt someone's stare on them.

Looking around, they noticed that the gaze of Sapphire seemed to be on them now. Both of them unconsciously gulped, this action noticed by Sapphire.

She giggled at the action of both men as she stood up and went to the two, her figure seemed immaculate when her dress fluttered with the breeze of the courtyard.

"Hello there, I haven't seen you both before here at the academy. Are you both transferees?"

"Hey, Rhett, answer her question!"

"...You ungrateful human..."

Rhett muttered to Chim and faced Sapphire Chance, whose attention is now to Rhett. He cleared his throat as he thought of a good answer to say.

"Yes, both Chim and I came from other institution before this academy. My name is Xi--Rhett Whimsicott and this guy beside me is Chim Sauerkraut."

"Oh! So both of you are transferees! That's why I didn't saw you here before! My name is Sapphire Chance and I'm from the arts and media department. Sometimes I also study at the medical department."

"We're also from the medical department."

"What a coincidence. Oh, and I also noticed that both of you seemed as if you have something to do here at the courtyard. Can I help you with that?"

"Uh, we're about to take a walk when, uh, I notice the time..."

"Shoot! Speaking of time, we're going back now! Nice to meet 'cha, Sapphire!"

"Okay, good da--"

Before Sapphire could say her words, Chim sped up with Rhett at his tow as both of them ran to the classroom. Upon reaching the room, their breathing became erratic as Chim fanned himself for oxygen respiration.

"Hoo! What a good exerc--, Rhett!"

As for the rarely exercised Rhett, he felt his lungs burning as he slumped on the wall, hand on his chest as he breathed hard for air. The distance from the courtyard to the classroom can be pretty far, for Rhett Whimsicott.

[Host, just breath! Inhale through your nose and exhale with your mouth!]

Rhett doesn't seemed to noticed Paopao's frantic reminders as he felt his focus waver and closed his eyes.

"Rhett! Guys, help me bring him to the infirmary!"

"Hey, what's happening there!"

"Oh great, a teacher! Mr. Samson, help me bring Rhett to the infirmary. He needs a breathing support right now!"

Samson looked at the pale faced Rhett as he nodded at what Chim said. Carefully, he carried Rhett by the back of his head and knees.

"Princess carry?!? What a lucky guy!"

Another lookout student exclaimed as she took some pictures of the commotion with her picturing device. Some followed after her actions as they started gossiping.

"Damn it, stop that!"

Chim seemed to nearly shout as he tried covering their lenses with his hand as he followed Samson to the infirmary.

"I hope nothing happened to Rhett..."

"Let's hope for the best."

"Look! Its Mr. Samuel!"

"Damn, let's go back to our seats!"

The class for medical department, save for Chim and Rhett that's absent right now, hurried to their seats as the teacher placed his books at his table.

"Time for the attendance, be quiet."

"Sir, Chim Sauerkraut and Rhett Whimsicott are currently at the infirmary! I saw Mr. Samson bring Rhett there!"

The class monitor stood up as she told the frowning Samuel what happened a while ago. Samuel seemed a bit surprised at his twin's action as he noted the absence of Chim and Rhett in his logbook.

"I see, let's start the lesson for now. Open your textbooks at page 88."

I'll go to the infirmary later, his mind supplied, and talk to my twin regarding the meeting ago.

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