1.4: Rhett Whimsicott

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"Hey, hey, Rhett! Do you have a girlfriend right now?"

"How did you keep your skin so smooth?"

"Rhett, be mine please?"

"You are so handsome, Rhett!"

"...Dammit, that Chim..."

[Host, please! Your blood pressure!]

Rhett felt that Paopao is more in a turmoil than himself, hearing that almost too panicky voice. He looked at the people, which mainly only girls, and was about to glare at them only to be stopped by Paopao.

[Host, just give them a smile!]


After Rhett murmured his words, he turned to the ecstatic girls and gave them a wry smile.

"Sorry, but I have to go somewhere else. Please let me go out."

Paopao would facepalm if it does have a physical body and hands. My host is too stiff!, it thought to itself while pondering what to do with this robotic host. Thankfully, Chim Sauerkraut has the heart to keep up with Rhett Whimsicott's weirdness.

"Can you track where Chim is?"

[Roger! Uhm, he's at the courtyard that overlooks the training field of knights! So, how is it, host? Did I do great?]

"Yes, yes, you're amazing than what I expected."

Kept up in his fast pace, Rhett finally saw his target and walked up to him.

"Hey, Chim. Since when did you started leaving me alone there with those terrifying ladies?"

"I'm sorry, my love! I just totally forgot that the training for knights will be at this period of time!"

"And what that does have to do with leaving me alone there?"

"...Do you have the mind to ask? Of course, I will pick my love live over our friendship, duh!"

[Host, he's lying.]

"I know you're lying."

Rhett said to Chim as he also went beside Chim to sit down, brushing the spot clean and sat.

"I-I'm not, bitch!"

"Then I will not force you to say anything. You can come to me when you have the courage to speak."

"...Okay, I'm sorry for leaving you there."

He felt dumbfounded upon seeing Chim's teary eyes, unfortunately for the man, he can't handle other people's emotions with care.

[Host, just comfort him and tell him that everything is okay!]

When he heard Paopao's exclaims, Rhett panicked more as he saw a tear fell from the eyes of Chim. Without any reservations, his body automatically move as he realized that he's hugging the crying man.

"Urgh, don't look at me. This is really a bad day."

"Just come to me when you can say your problems, okay?"

"...I just got a letter from my father."

[Host! Just keep listening to him, got it?]

"Just don't interrupt us!"


"What's that something about a letter sent by your father?"

"He said that they might not come here next month at the Day of Foundation of the Academy. Told me that mom's sick and at the hospital right now..."

"Did he tell something about an illness or disease?"

"...Just a fever, he said."


[Pfft! Hahahahaha! Host, your friend is such a worrywart! But, damn he was too emotional!]

"Why don't you try covering your mouth first before I do it myself?"

"Hey, Rhett. Are you saying something?"

Rhett's bickering with Paopao was interrupted by Chim's question. He just looked at his companion with a smile and he awkwardly kept kneading his palms.

"Nothing, just whispering to myself! But anyways, your mother will be alright, I say! And don't be too scared of the fact that your family might not function well just because your mother was there."


"No buts and let's go back to the classroom right now. Mr. Samuel might go crazy if we are late to his lessons this time."

"Pff, haha. You're right, Rhett! Maybe I'm just too paranoid with all these stuff going on! Let's go!"

After Chim regained his bouncy self, they went back to the classroom, hand in hand.

"Chim, just remember that I'm your friend and I'll be there always, okay?"

"...Yes, you're my friend..."

"Just remember that if you're going to uproot a herbal plant, concentrate in keeping the roots intact and make sure that your hands are clean..."

Crouching in front of a plant, Rhett reached to the herbal plant in front of him with shaky hands. He touched a leaf and recognized this plant from its rough and red leaves.

"Sir, this a red sage plant, right?"

Samuel turned his head when he heard the excitement of Rhett's voice, his hope for his listless student awakened up once again. He went to Rhett as he saw the latter crouching and he looked like he have seen a treasure this time.

"Yes, that is a red sage that heals wounds with its special properties. It is rarer than the normal sage plant that can be found in roadsides. It's a good luck that you found a good herbal plant this time."

Samuel felt the urge to rub the top of Rhett's head after seeing that smiling face. However, his reason weighted more than his instincts as he pinched his arm to stop himself.

Meanwhile for the excited Rhett Whimsicott, it is his first time to encounter a rare plant that his previous world doesn't have. Aside from being passionate in experimenting stuffs, he has a passion for discovering new things.

"I will try to remove the plant from the soil, Sir! Let me do it!"

Samuel felt that this student is too eager to do it himself. Nodding, he saw that Rhett is now focused at the red plant and saw that his hands are shaky.

"Just keep calm and you can do it..."

With a low voice, he whispered those words next to Rhett's ear as he saw the latter nod at his reminders.

"Phew, he goes nothing..."

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