"How do you know me then?"

The lady shook her head.

"I am sorry. I must have been mistaken. I am going to clean up this mess and dinner will be on me."

The lady quickly sweeped up her mess and walked away.


Michelle called, trying to get the waiter's attention.

"What was that about?" Benito asked confused.

"I have no idea."

A different lady brought out their new plates of food. Before the new waiter left, Michelle asked her a question.

"Can I please speak with the other waiter?"

"Sorry ma'am, she left to start her other job."

"Where does she work?"

"She works at the Brooksville hotel."

Michelle thanked the lady and turned to Benito.

"That's where we are staying tonight right?"

Benito nodded with a mouth full of food.

Michelle laughed.

"You act like you haven't eaten in like a month."

After Benito finished chewing he smiled at her.

"Fighting off bad guys is tiring."

The smile from Michelle's face quickly left.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you remember that." Benito felt bad for causing her pain again.

"It's ok."

Michelle lost her appetite after half of her chicken and she waited as Benito scarfed down his food. They left a tip and then headed towards the hotel.

"I need to find that lady."

Benito nodded. He knew she would want answers.

They walked up to the front desk where an old man sat smoking a cigarette.

"Can I help you folks?"

"Yes, we need two rooms please."

The old man looked through a book that sat in front of him.

"Sorry folks. It looks like we only have one room open. It has a nice king sized bed though." He gave the two of them a smirk.

Before Michelle could say anything, Benito told the man that they would take it.

The old man gave them a room key and Benito started to head toward the room.

Before Michelle followed him, she wanted to ask the old man a question.

"Can I speak with one of your workers. I don't know what her name is, but she has another job at the restaurant."

"Oh! You want to speak with Kelly. Yeah sure, give me one second and I will get her for you."

The old man disappeared for a second and then came back with the waiter from the restaurant.

She looked at Michelle and the color drained from her face.

"Please, I need to speak with you."

The lady nodded.

"I know. I have always wondered if this day would come."

The lady beckoned for Michelle to follow her to a small secluded room where they could talk.

After both of them had sat down, Michelle could wait no longer.

"Who are you?"

The lady grimaced.

"I am your mother."

He Follows ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz