I opened my eyes wide. Did he really say that? How dare he even suggest I was here to get him back? I wasn't the one who called in the middle of the night begging to meet.

"Excuse me?" I snapped. "Are you implying I'm here because of you?"

"That's the only rational answer."

"So the thought of myself getting an education in one of the best Universities around didn't cross your mind?" I continued. Scott had changed, his soft and gentle words had vanished and had shifted into some sort of flirtatious irritating attitude.

Is this what happens when you start getting famous?

"That's just an excuse, obviously."

I rose, not being able to stand his cockiness. "The world doesn't spin around you, Scott."

"Are you sure about that?" He raised an eyebrow in the most repulsive way ever.

"What the hell did Lisa do to you?" I mumbled under my breath. This wasn't Scott, more like Justin Bieber. I hadn't realized the other morning, when I woke up just to find him in my living room. He seemed normal, but I should've noticed his gestures and expressions. Not like him at all.

"She stole my freedom, that's for sure. I'm glad I have this job, fortunately, I only get to see her on the weekends."

I furrowed my eyebrows. Who was this douche speaking and where had he hidden the real Scott?

"Get out of here," I ordered when he started criticizing Lisa.

He arched his eyebrows in surprise.  "What's wrong, baby?"

"Baby—?" I exclaimed in disconformity. He had just called me baby! This time, I didn't care if I woke up Nicole, the guy deserved it. "Get out of my fucking house."

He rose in such a peaceful way, my blood boiled. "Someone's on her period..." He muttered heading to the door.

"If I ever see you again, I'll punch you so hard, Hugo Boss won't even recognize you," I snapped. "If there's still a bit of the old Scott inside of you, please wake him up. I'm tired of this cocky façade you've put up."

He slipped his hands in his pockets and shrugged indifferently. "You'll be seeing a whole lot of me from now on. And Hugo Boss was so last month! I'm collaborating with Gucci now, haven't you heard?"

That's all it took for me to push him out of the room and close the door hardly behind him. What the hell just happened? That was not Scott.

"Are we not going to talk about what happened yesterday?" Nic started as I poured some milk in a mug.

I looked away for a second, surprised by the fact she had been eavesdropping last night.

"W-what?" I mumbled, scared to hear what she was about to say next.

"Your date with the ugly twin, you told me nothing about it!" She squealed excitedly.

I sighed in relief when I realized she hadn't heard my discussion with Scott.

"Ugly twin?" I repeated with a glare.

She shrugged. "Evidently, he's the ugly twin. Romulus is way—"

"You think Romulus is better looking than Remus?" I asked her in disbelief, remembering Romulus' skinny complexion.

"Duh!" She threw her hands into the air. "I mean, Remus? Come on!"

When I was about to argue back, the thought of them being twins hit me, I realized how stupid the reason of our argument was. I closed my eyes slowly as my hand reached my temple.

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