“Who is your Master?”  Emmy asked again.

“Lord Edie of Maru.”  Marinette said as she stared at Emmy.  “You took Lady Avina’s fiance. How could he stand for his own daughter to have her own fiance chose a commoner over his daughter?  You beat and killed The Serpent Moon, capturing Lady Avina. This made Lord Edie lose face even more. How could he stand his daughter losing to a commoner again? You defoiled his plan to have his niece and General Alex’s daughter, Lady Donna seduce Lord Seoras and force him to marry both of them.”  

“ 'Seduce’ is not the correct word here.”  Emmy said as her eyes glared at Marinette. “The correct words should be ‘drug and rape’.”

The men who stood behind her froze at Emmy’s words.  No one knew that Lord Seoras’s life was so close to danger.  He never spoke about it and had covered the incident up without letting a word of it spill out of that room.  To drug and rape someone, whither it be a man or a woman, was looked down upon. The punishment for something that heinous was death.  

“Yes.”  Marinette agreed.  “You defoiled their plan to force Lord Seoras to marry Lady Hanna and Lady Donna.  How could Lord Edie stand to lose against you more than once and still let you live?”  

Marinette coughed and blood came out of her mouth and dripped down her chin, she knew her end was near, she hoped it was quick.  She did sin greatly against innocents, this was her punishment.

“However, what I said before. About meeting a woman who claimed to be you at the Falling Star Tavern, that was true as well.”  Marinette told her. “I was ordered by Lord Edie to meet 'you' there and pretend not to know 'your identity'. I was to agree to 'your' conditions and bring evidence of 'your' rebellion back to Lord Edie so he could bring up charges against you and Lord Seoras.  Once I completed 'your' mission, Lord Edie would bring those charges against you to the King and all the territories would declare war on Lord Seoras.”

“Effectively surrounding Ceco and killing all ways to escape.” Emmy said as she looked at the bleeding Marinette without pity.  

“Yes.”  Marinette said.  “I was supposed to trample this village and pretend that the people of Ceco were victims too, to make it more believable that Lord Seoras or you had nothing to do with it.  Why would you kill your own people? However with the evidence we have against you, it would convince the King that you did it. Once war was declared, the only way for Lord Seoras to save his people is to give you over to Lord Edie, or both of your deaths.  In the end, Lord Edie would be Lord of Maru and Ceco.”

“Good.”  Emmy said as the bark closed the small face opening in front of Marinette’s face.  

Marinette could only scream and plead as she could hear her Sylvian cry out in pain and suffering.  

“You promised!”  Marinette screamed as Sylvain roared in pain over and over again.  “You promised!”

The two headed bear roared over and over as many whips hit it over and over. Swords made of stone stabbed at it, before gutting it.  It’s inners leaked out slowly as blood rushed out, but it’s breathing slowed and death came to it even more slowly.

“You will die a horrible death!”  Marinette shouted as tears mixed with blood covered her face.  “You will die a horrible death! The Gods are watching! Your time will come!”  

The trunk of the tree opened and and the vines around Marinette brought out her broken and bloodied body in front of Emmy.  

“This is your punishment for the sins you committed.”  Emmy told her. “You think that maybe, just maybe, the Gods are using me to punish you for your sins? Don’t make me laugh with your wishful thinking that the Gods are watching.  Should I die a horrible death, it will only be because I was too weak and couldn’t win against my opponent.”

The vines moved and excreted a gooey substance that covered her body.  The green substance made contact with her open wounds and her skin started to sizzle as her skin slowly melted off her skin.  Marinette cried out until her voice was hoarse and no more tears could fall down her face. The pain she felt was more than what she could handle, however the sight of her flesh melting to the ground made her lose her mind.  She could only watch as her skin, her muscles, her inners slowly fell down to the ground. Why couldn’t she just die? Why couldn’t Emmy just grant her a quick death? Marinette would never get her answer as her voice could no longer be heard and her mind broke with the sight of her flesh falling off of her.  

The only person who stood still to watch Marinette’s demise was Emmy.  The others have turned around and thrown up their breakfast and could not be near the slow torturous death of the Beast Master Wizard.  

Most of them had made their way back to the western gate of Clovis and waited with a heavy heart as they waited for Lady Emmy to come back.  They respected her before, now they feared her even more.

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