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   yoongi wasn't an ordinary fae, the entire village fauned over him. he didn't enjoy the attention that was given to him, but he just accepted it.
he was also quite rude to the eyes of the folk. his friends would say otherwise.

but yoongi wondered beyond that. he dreamt of adventure and something new. which, if you looked at him, you probably wouldn't get that vibe from him.

but anything besides the placed he lived in was restricted. all because of one thing.


humans and fae alike had a very extended history. ever since eve took the first bite from the forbidden fruit, humans have always treated the fae folk like complete heathens. The fae folk had never done anything to harm them whatsoever, but to humans anything unordinary was deemed a threat.

of course there were some who had sympathized with the fae, but if you were caught associating with the folk you'd surely be executed on the spot.

it was cruel, unfair and yoongi hated it. he imagined a world without discrimination, hate, and the likes. it sounded so wonderful.

but of course he doesn't live in that fantasy.

that being said, he totally wouldn't have guessed what would happen to his world on that faithful night.

he won't ever forget it.


it was a sunday afternoon, the mild summer air whistled while birds of sorts sang their pretty songs. the lively sun beamed down onto the fae's facial features, making him seem a lot more alive then he really was.

the aged elk he sat under could only give him so much coverage from the deathly rays of sunlight, or so he called it.

he squints, and tossles his seafoam hair a bit. only then does he finally decided to get up. stretching his pale arms over his head.

the place he currently resides in is unknown territory to the humans, the greenery is fine and the air is sweet. unlike the land of the people, their habitat could be described as a wasteland.

the fae's liked to give back to mother nature, while humans liked to completely ignore her and what she's given them.

even yoongi himself could appreciate the life that was given to him.

as he strolled his way down a convenient path, he noticed how unusually quiet it was today. normally you would see fae children playing a game of tag or even adults sitting on nearby benches and  gossiping about unnecessary things.

but there was no one.

he scratches his scalp a little, thinks. surely his friends would be out and about. so, he sets his mind on finding namjoon at the town hall. namjoon was quite scholar, he made sure this town would function correctly. it was best to consult him such about things. also considering the fact that they've been best friends since they learned how to babble.

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