Sixty Three: Suspects

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The bunker was in absolute chaos.

They'd turned a spare room into an infirmary, where Cas was working full time. Alex would've been helping but, well, that wasn't possible, since she was one of the patients there.

The others were Abigal, who had survived being attacked by Madison and Jordan, but was still hurt. Also Jack and Vincent, who had been trying to pull Madison and Jordan off Abi, only to also become victims of the attack. They sported bruises that Cas deemed "too minor to require attention" and a few now healed broken bones.

Madison and Jordan were chained up in the dungeon until Kate and Sean got back. The two werewolves were out to raid the "human" -whatever that meant now- hospitals and blood banks.

Still no word from Claire, Jesse, Chloe, or Ben. Though there had been something a bit intriguing that had surfaced: a body had been found outside of Pheonix, Arizona. It was only a few hours old, but pretty gruesome. The elderly man had fallen at least thirty feet, only to have the words 'he was my target, you will pay for that' written on him in his own blood. But what was the thing that linked the dead man to the missing archangel, antichrist, nephilim, and Winchester? The victim's finger prints had identified him as John Brooke. He had the same name as Chloe. And his records said he used to have a daughter, now diseased, named Melanie. But Sam and Dean had gone to investigate and found nothing, so that was a bust.

Rose knocked on the door to Evyline and Drew's room.

"Come in." Jess' voice called from inside.

Rose did.

For some reason she'd expected Drew and Ev to be in the room, though they were both in the basement with Sam and Dean, trying to summon Bela. They were to all scream in their heads if she showed up.

Jess still sat in the desk chair, and Alex was still asleep on the bed.

"How is She?" Rose asked.

Jess's face was a bit grim. "I had to set her arms for her so they wouldn't start to heal wrong, thank god my mom was a nurse or I wouldn't know how. The cuts on her legs and arms have completely healed, by I don't know about her eyes. Who was it?"

Rose had forgotten what had just happened. "Who was what?"

Jess rolled her eyes. "Who did this to her?"

Oh. "Her, Abi, Jordan, and Madison." Rose corrected. "Something made Abi write on the ceiling in her blood, and something made Madison and Jordan go crazy. But we don't know who it was. Either Emily, Bela, or Claire."

Jess sighed in disappointment. "I wish I could say Claire would never do something like this, but I can't." She said sadly.

Rose sat down on the edge of the bed Alex's body didn't come close to filling. "What do you mean?"

Jess opened her mouth to speak, but then shook her head dismissively. "It's not really my place."

Rose wanted to ask Jessica to elaborate, but a yelling voice came into her head, Evyline's. SHE'S HERE, ROSE. GET THE FUCK DOWN HERE.

Rose stood up. "I'm sorry, I have to go, Ev needs me." She said quickly before running off."

Rose flung the door to the room Evyline's voice had come from. There stood Sam and Dean, giants in jeans and plaid, as always. But Sam, for some reason, had cut his unreasonably long hair so it only reached his ears. Maybe it was stress. Next to them stood two considerably shorter teen age girls. Evyline, wearing a floral and belted dress and sandals, her curly orange hair -which she insisted on calling strawberry blonde, Rose now knew- hanging down for the first time in a while. Next to her stood her girl friend, Drew, whose cinnamon colored skin showed through her thin white t-shirt and jean shorts while her straight black hair was up in a bun.

The unusual sight, however, was the woman in the devil's trap. Her black hair was long and curly, the same color as her eyes. The black off-set her translucent skin and white dress. She wore a silver circlet on her head, and rings on all her fingers, those were made of platinum. The woman would've looked like a black and white photograph, had it not been for her blood-red-lips.

Rose glared at the demon, her arms crossed. "So, this is the queen of hell." She said in a neutral tone, knowing she shouldn't make an enemy of her just yet. "I thought you were blond, Bela."

"That was five years ago." Bela answered.

"The teenage girl gimmick got old fast?" Dean asked Bela. Rose had known the two had never been on exactly pleasant terms, but Dean was spitting those words like poison.

Bela scowled at him. "No, Dean. What got old was everyone looking down on me." Bela turned her glare to Sam. "Oh, Sammy, you cut your hair?"

Sam scowled back at her. "Times like these are stressful, Bela."

The demon queen smiled. "That they are. It almost looks like when I knew the two of you as a human." Bela then turned her attention to Rose, Evy, and Drew. "Who are these kid?"

Rose gave the queen of hell a brief glare. "My name is Rose Holt. I'm the last special child Azazel created, I can read people's minds, and I control one of the biggest mixed-species groups of rogue children in America. Possibly the biggest."

Bela smiled mockingly. "Oh, a big shot. Who are the other two then, if you're oh-so-powerful." Rose picked up on a faint British accent in the queen of hell's voice.

"Orange hair is Evyline Brad. A special child of Axazel's, like me, telekenisis is her specialty. But she's also been Chloe Brooke's best friend since the two were three, and I know for a fact Chloe had given you your ass in a plate at least once, so I wouldn't mess with her. The other is Drew Stilinski, a strong vessel like Dean."

Bela continued to smile, then turned her attention to Dean once more. "Why didn't you bring Claire and her little group with you instead?"

"Because they're gone." Sam told Bela. "Claire and Jesse made them dissappear off the map."

Bela frowned. "Well, I can't say I'm surprised. But I couldn't help if I wanted to, so why exactly did you summon me?"

Evyline crossed her arms. "Ever heard of a special child, specifically vivicantern, named Emily Obscuro. Twenty two, thin, blond hair. Order of Michael, psychopathic bitch?"

Bela's face paled. "A vivicantern is not one of you, little girl. She's her own class, vivicantern. They're children who died in infancy, but were then brought back by the old gods. That gave them the power to resurrect others. But they have to consume life energy from time to time to replenish their's. You're saying that there's one alive now?"

Rose scowled. "Very alive. She's the reason Claire is Michael again now. She also blinded a twelve year old and wrote a sinister message in the girl's blood, here in the bunker. Then Emily attacked Abigal Madregs, I'm sure you know who she is, leaving another message."

Bela covered her eyes wither her hands. "This isn't my area, I'm sorry, my help is limited. But, if you would have the decency to let me out, I'll assign some of my trust worthy demons to the task of tracking her down."

The four girls in the room turned to the Winchester brothers, who nodded. Evyline reached her hand out in front of her, and part of the paint of the devil's trap flaked away.

Bela sighed and stepped out of the circle, relieved. "Thank you. And, by the way, this bunker is the safest place in the world, no one can get in here without someone letting them in from the inside or with a key. You have the only key in existence. Someone in this bunker is working for Emily." Bela disappeared.

A pang suddenly went through Rose's head as Emma's voice filled it.

"Someone's at the door." Rose reported, relaying Emma's message to the other four in the room. "Apparently Abigal says she can sense an archangel, and an antichrist. They're back."

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