Fifty Two: Sometimes Things Get Lost

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Chloe's eyes flew open as her body fell off the bed. She hit the ground with a muffled thud.

She sat up and rubbed her head and looked around for the source of the horrible screaming, which hadn't stopped.

Claire was standing by the door, looking a bit scared. It was a bit creepy how she insisted on staying in the room at night, despite the fact that she didn't sleep.

Evy had awoken and was looking around, vaguely scared, from her makeshift bed on the floor. She and Drew had stayed there, even after Claire returned, and had given their old room to the werewolf pack.

Drew. She was the one that awful screaming was coming from. He girls back was arched on the bed, tears falling from her eyes, which were closed. She must have been having a nightmare.

Ev noticed at the same time as Chloe and instantly stood up and shook her girl friend's shoulders. "Drew!" Evyline yelled. "Anne Drew Stilinski wake up!"

Drew's eyes flew open and the screaming stopped, but the tears did not. She curled up into a ball. "They- someone had my sister. Oh god. Ev, they had Sara!"

"No, no, they don't, Drew." Ev comforted her girlfriend. "She's safe, she's with your dad, remember? Your dad can protect her."

Drew nodded, the tears stopping. "So it was just a dream?"

Evy nodded and smiled. She looked over to Claire. "It was, right?"

Claire nodded hesitantly. "I didn't hear anyone reaching out to her, so I expect so."

Chloe walked over to Claire. "I need to talk to you." She whispered. "With Ben and Jesse, but that's it."

The archangel nodded. The nephilim turned around and looked pointedly at her friends. "Don't do anything while we're gone."

Drew smiled. "No promises, Clo."

Chloe stuck her tongue out jokingly before the two girls walked out the door.

They were almost to the boys' room when Claire spoke. "What's so important we need to wake them up?"

Chloe shushed her with a look. "I'm not saying it twice."

When they reached the boys' door, Chloe opened it silently.

As expected, both Jesse and Ben were asleep. They both looked peaceful. It reminded her of some times back in the old days when she couldn't sleep, so she just watched the other three.

She brought her fingers up to her mouth and whistled.

Ben shot up, gun in hand, and pointed it at them. Jesse flailed around like a fish out of water, somehow trapped in his bed sheets, until he fell off the bed and hit the floor front first. He groaned and rolled over just as Ben lowered the gun.

"Chloe, WHAT THE HELL?" Jesse asked.

"Important, emergency group meeting. Up, now." Chloe replied. The girls stepped inside, closing the door and locking it behind them.

Ben and Jesse both got up, Ben storing his gun in his waist band.

Claire looked to Chloe. "Are you going to tell us now?"

Chloe nodded and took a deep breath. "You know how some people with PTSD forget details of the traumatic event?"

All three nodded.

"Well..." Chloe said slowly. "That happened to me, and I didn't remember until it showed up in a dream last night?"

Everyone's eyes widened. "Chloe, what did you forget?" Jesse asked her, obviously worried.

The nephilim took another deep breath. "The night my parents died. The first time around, I pretty much only registered the stuff about me, and about my father. But my mom told me something about herself that night too. My mother was a hunter."

"Are you sure?" Ben asked her instantly.

"Yes." Chloe answered. "She said her mom died so her dad raised her to be a hunter, but she got out when she was pregnant with me. She even had a n anti-possession tattoo."

Claire grimaced. "Anything else?"

Chloe nodded. "It sounded like, as far as she knew, my grandfather is alive. Sure, he could've died since then, but there's a possibility that I could have family still alive."

Jesse held up his hands. "Wait, Chloe, slow down. Your grandfather sounds like one of those hunters that shoot first, ask questions never, and hate anything not completely human. We can't go find him, because to him, all of us except Ben are evil. Maybe even Ben, since he's a Winchester, and dating an angel. But us, that definitely includes you. Do you really think he'd be happy to find out his granddaughter isn't human?"

Jesse was pissing Chloe off just like the old days. "Jesse, you don't understand. I never known anything about my family, and until tonight I thought they were all dead." She yelled. "But you don't care about your mom, she wasn't really your mom to you. And you know your adopted parents are safe, even if they wouldn't know you if you knocked on their door."

Jesse winced.

"He's right, Chloe." Claire said hesitantly. "Going after your family, it's not a good idea."

"Fine." Chloe said angrily. "Maybe I'll just go find him myself."

Ben shook his head. "Last time one of us did that, we all died. Not happening Chloe. We'll come with you, but don't be surprised when this backfires on you."

Chloe smiled. "Well, good thing it won't backfire, then." She started to move back towards the door. "You two should go back to sleep. It's three a.m."

Then Chloe left, headed back to her room, she was tired.

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