Thirty Three: Return to the Bunker

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"Everyone out!" Claire ordered her team. They'd stolen the first empty car they'd come across and driven the -surprisingly short and lonely, they hadn't seen any cars the entire time- distance to the bunker.

The four quickly emptied out, the others looking uneasy. Claire simply had to roll her eyes at that.

In silence, she walked up to the front door. Chloe was sitting on the concrete ledge, Jesse leaning back on the same ledge beside her, and Ben was sitting on the stairs, looking upset. Claire hesitated, almost scared, before knocking. But she did.





There was silence from the other side, not even the sound of footsteps. Then the door flew open, revealing a very angry looking angel. "What the-" Castiel started to ask, then she saw the children standing outside, especially Claire. Cas instantly turned around, facing inside. "Rose!" The angel yelled. "Get me the tests!"

Rose? Who the hell was Rose? Claire glanced back at her team, who looked equally confused.

A small teenage girl ran up behind Cas. She had black hair that fell loosely down almost to her waist and dark eyes that were almost black. She was short, maybe five foot one, but Claire wasn't really one to talk since she stood at five foot three. The girl was also wearing a black leather jacket, a pink t-shirt that said 'my thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations', Jean shorts, and sneakers. In her hands she was holding a silver knife, an iron rod, holy water, and borax.

"Thanks." Cas told the girl as she took the things from her. "Your hands, Claire." She ordered.

Claire held out her hands to her friend, undergoing the usual test. Borax splashed onto her hands, the iron rod pressed against her arm, holy water splashed on her face, and a cut from the silver knife. No reaction from Claire from any of the tests, proving to the angel she was clean. Cas nodded to her and Claire moved over to the side.

Castiel did the same tests to the other three members of Claire's team. No reaction from Ben, proving he was clean. No reaction from Chloe. And from Jesse, the only reaction was the usual slightly-milder-than-true-demon smoking from the holy water. They were all clean.

Cas nodded and handed the supplies back to the girl -Rose- who immediately headed inside. The angel stepped forwards and closed the door behind her. "Five years." She said shortly.

Ben's, Chloe's, Jesse's, and Claire's eyes all widened. Five years? That was a really long time.

"I'm sorry, Cas." Claire replied carefully. "But... I mean... We didn't mean to die."

A weak smile appeared on Cas' face. "No one does." She said sadly. "I suppose that you means you know nothing about the... Well... Current situation?"

Claire exchanged a confused glance with Ben. "No." Ben said. "What's that."

Cas looked down at the ground, as if it was a sensative subject. "Two years ago, Bela and Hannah decided that they needed to 'cleanse' earth. So they unleashed a plague that killed everyone who didn't have mostly supernatural blood." Castiel sighed sadly. "It killed about 10% of the population, and the violence sparked from that rounded it out to 25% dead."

They were all shocked at this. This was horrible. "So, Ben and Claire... Are going to die?" Chloe asked the angel, pain evident in her voice.

Cas smiled again. "No, thank my father." She said. "One of the types that were spared were vessels."

Claire felt as if a weight had been lifted off her chest then. She wasn't going to die again, and neither was Ben. Her team was safe for the time being.

"What were the others?" Jesse asked Cas curiously.

"Angels, nephilim, cambions, vamps, amazons, werewolves, and special children." The angel answered. "As well as a few we probably don't know about."

That last name struck a bell somewhere inside Claire's brain, though she couldn't pinpoint exactly where. "Special children?" She asked.

Chloe looked as confused as she was, but the other three looked at the Novak like she was an idiot.

"Remember? Sam?" Ben asked her. That didn't help.

Jesse rolled his eyes. "The yellow eyed demon, Azazel. He snuck into some babies's bedrooms and dropped his blood into their mouths. Gave them sort of special abilities, like telekinesis and mind reading."

Claire remembered now. Sam had been one, he'd told her about them once. She nodded.

"You just met another one." Cas told the four. "That girl who just brought the tests. She was one of the lasts, we didn't even know she'd been infected until she showed up here a year ago. She shouldn't even be able to access her powers, she's seventeen and you shouldn't be able till around twenty-two, but she can. Mind reader, Rose Holt."

Jesse whistled. "That's impressive."

Cas nodded. "She sure is, and she's not the only one."

"The only one?" Ben asked.

"We have some more... Talented children who'd found the way to the men of letters bunker in the past few years." Cas told them. "Want to meet them?"

The four exchanged a glance. "Sure." Chloe answered for them.

Cas smiled again and turned around, opening the door. "Come in, then."

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