Fourteen: The Ressurection of Miss Jessica Moore

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Jessica Moore felt a rough hand grab her shoulder from behind.

She spun around to face them, away from the bar. She didn't feel like drinking, but she was looking for someone, and this seemed like a place she might find him.

The man who had grabbed her shoulder let go. He was tall, and much older than her, and ugly. He had two other friends who looked like stereotypical club bouncers on either side of him. Shit.

"What do you want?" Jess sneered at the strangers.

"Well, pretty, I was hoping we could go get a room somewhere, you and I." The man who had grabbed her said with a sick smile. One of the burlier mJen grabbed her arm and pulled her up from the stool she had been sitting on.

"First of all, I'm way younger than you. And I'm pregnant, also taken, so fuck off." Jess said angrily as she roughly tried to yank her arm away and failed. She'd lied about being pregnant, she'd lost the baby in the same fire she'd lost her life in.

"Where's your boy now, then?" The man sneered at her.

Jess didn't say anything, she didn't know where he was, or if he was even still alive. She opened her mouth to spit out a lie, but another man who looked nothing like the other ones came up behind her. "I'd appreciate it if you left my girlfriend alone before I break all your faces." The newcomer said calmly.

Who was this man and why did he think he could call her his girlfriend? Why was he helping her? Well, the other men were obviously intimidated, and left with a motion from the leader, disappearing into the crowd of other patrons.

"Why did you help me?" She asked as she turned around to face her helper. He was cute, in a Ken Doll way, looked to be only a few years older than her... oh, god. He couldn't be... no, this was definitely him. "Dean?!"

Dean Winchester looked taken aback, and had a look on his face like how the hell does she know my name? "How do you know that?" He asked her quickly, just as she suspected.

"I met you before, a long time ago." She began, but before she could continue a shorter girl materialized out of the crowd and grabbed Dean's arm.

"Dean, Sam said we have to leave now." The girl told him. Then she followed Dean's eyes. When she saw Jess, her eyes widened and her hand flew to her mouth. Who was this girl?

Dean looked down at the girl confusedly. Slowly she lowered her hand from her mouth. "J- Jessica Moore." The girl said. It wasn't a question.

Jess nodded.

Dean looked shocked, but then his face broke into a wide smile. "Jess." He said happily. "Oh god, is Sammy going to be happy to see you again."

"You know where he is?" Jess asked him hopefully.

"Of course I know where my little brother is." Dean confirmed, and Jess smiled a smile even bigger than his. "Come on, we'll show you where he is." Dean and the girl started to walj away, expecting her to follow.

"Wait." Jess said quickly, and they both stopped. She turned to the girl. "Can I know your name before I follow you?"

The girl smiled tentatively. "Yes. My name is Castiel, but you can call me Cas." Cas turned to Dean. "We really do have to go before Sam tries to call Ben for help, and you know how that will work out."

Jess was throughly confused, but Dean nodded as if he understood. HE motioned for her to follow, and she did.

Jess almost walked into Dean when he stopped suddenly. Castiel turned back to her and pressed a finger to her lips as if to say 'sh' and she noticed for the first time that Cas' eyes were strange, one a supernatural blue, and one chocolatey brown. Then Cas turned back and faced the same person Dean was, Sam. Jess stayed hidden behind Dean as best as she could.

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