Forty Six: Been Different People Many Times

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Chloe was wiping blood from her mouth.

What had happened back there?

That had to have been a hallucination.

Claire couldn't be Michael. That was impossible. Claire was just... Claire.

Chloe turned back to Jesse.

"Did all that back in level seven... Actually happen?" She asked her boyfriend.

Jesse nodded grimly. "Yup."

Chloe hung her head low. "This fucking sucks." She mumbled.

Her boyfriend wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her into him. "Yes it does. But we'll get through it."

She glared at him. "Didn't you hear her? She thinks we hate her now, because of this."

Jesse nodded grimly again.

Chloe opened her mouth to speak, but heard the sound of an angel's wings, followed by silence. That couldn't be Cas, she'd have the noise of eight other people following her. Which meant that that was either someone they didn't know, or...

Chloe quickly stood up and spun around, Jesse doing the same. She could see Evyline and Drew looking over out of the corner eye, as well as Emma and Alexia looking vaguely confused, and Ben looking towards the sound.

Sure enough, in the middle of the empty street there stood a teenage girl, barely over five feet tall, short blond hair, wearing jeans, sneakers, a green army jacket, and a plain white tshirt.

But splayed out on the pavement behind her was the shadow of humongous wings.

Though it didn't matter that she had those, not to them.

Claire looked over at them, smiled sadly, waved, and turned to leave.

Chloe ran towards her freind, pulling Jesse behind her, knowing Ben was doing the same.

"Just where do you think you're going, Novak?" Chloe called after her friend.

Claire turned around, a completely shocked expression on her face. "I- I thought... After what happened...."

"Claire, seriously?" Jesse asked her.

Claire looked down at her feet.

Chloe smiled and rolled her eyes. "God you're such an idiot, Novak. We don't care if you're an angel, you're still Claire."

The archangel winced. "Not really. But thanks."

Jesse nodded. "So, should we start calling you Michael now?"

Claire glared at him. "God no. I will kill you if you do that, Jesse, I swear."

Chloe couldn't help but laugh. There was the Claire she'd known from when they first met. She held up her hand. "Welcome back, Claire. High five!"

The archangel smiled and high fived the nephilim. "Are you guys sure you're okay with this? I mean, I lied to you. I've technically been lying to you for six years, since that motel parking lot. And now this... I don't even want me."

Chloe stepped forwards and hugged her friend tightly. "We don't care." She tols Claire sternly. "Just don't lie anymore." The nephilim looked behind her at the boys. "I know Jesse's fine with it. What about you, Ben?"

Ben, who'd stayed wierdly silent, nodded. Then there was the sound they'd been expecting, angel's wings and the din of life. The rest of their group was back.


Dean looked over at Cas. It was dark down in the tunnels, but he could see her.

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