Sixty One: What Healers Cannot Fix

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Rose heard shuffling, which roused her from her very light sleep.

She quickly stood up and looked around. It was dark and everyone else in the main room was sound asleep. Then she looked up, and screamed.

The other ten or so kids in the room shot awake like a switch had been flicked. The recent events would do that to someone

"What the hell, Rose?" Amelia yelled at her.

But the demon blooded girl just stood there for a few minutes, until everyone else was standing in the room, having been awoken in some way. Somehow, none of them looked up, so she pointed.

Alex hung from the ceiling, tiny nooses tied around her thin wrists, arms badly broken, several cuts along her arms and legs. And on the ceiling were a words written in the young girl's blood.

I'm coming for them.

Loss, loss, loss is coming.

Loss of life.

He will strike them at the core.

He will kill the guilty one.

Death is coming for the four.

"What the hell?" Jordan muttered, doing that weird triangle sign over his heart, ironic as that gesture was considering his species.

"We have to get her down!" Jessica exclaimed.

Danielle exchanged a glance with her twin Rachel and Allison before jumping up, using the tricks Chloe had taught them, pulled a dagger from her belt, and stashed the ropes holding Alex. They both plummeted towards the ground.

Allison and Rachel caught Alexandra, and Danielle landed in a roll, not a scratch on her.

Castiel moved towards Alex, hands gently outstretched. But even though Rose's power wasn't working since she hadn't had demon blood in so long and she was over run with emotion, she knew what the angel wanted to do.

She ran forwards and grabbed the angel's arms before they could touch the injured child. "Cas, no."

Cas sent her a strange look. "Why not?"

"If she's alive," Rose said through clenched teeth, wincing at the 'if'. "Her system doesn't react well to angelic presence, remember? You can't heal her, it won't work."

"I wov fluffy bunny rabbits." Muttered a weak voice from behind them.

Rose spun around and smiled. Alex was talking. She was okay. Injured, but okay.

She signaled for the other girls to set her down on the ground, then kneeled next to her. "Mornin', Alex."

"Rose?" Alex asked.

The mind reader nodded. "I'm here."

"What happened?"

"I don't know. What do you remember?"

Alex's eyebrows furrowed over her eyes, which she refused to open. "There was... A girl. She opened the door, I tried to stop her from doing something, and she flicked her wrist, and then now." There was a pause. "I'd definitely seen her before, but not a lot. And she had... Blond hair."

Rose could hear murmuring behind her, and suspicious feelings, since her powers seemed to be coming back a bit since she was calming down. "Okay. We'll find who did this, but first we've got to get you fixed up. Can you open her eyes?"

Alex gave a small nod and opened her eyes, but something was wrong. There were slashes across her eyes, right across the middles of her pupils, and her pupils and irises had gone from black and pale blue to an almost invisible cloudy white. The small girl's eyes darted around in panic. "Who turned off the lights?" She seemed to panic more with every word. "Rose, why can't I see? What happened?" A few tears escaped Alex's eyes.

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