Twenty: The Queens of the Damned

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"We stick to the plan. Chloe and I go upstairs straight for Abbadon, you two gaurd the perimeter to make sure no one get's away." Claire reminded Chloe, Ben, and Jesse.

All three nodded.

Claire turned around to face the building Abaddon should be in. It was small, three stories, maybe. And Claire felt the surging power of the first blade, a jawbone-like-thing hanging from her hip, and that power scared her. It felt addictive, like once she'd gotten a bit of it she'd always want more.

Chloe had moved so that she was standing beside Claire. "Ready?" She asked Claire.

Claire smiled uneasily. "Not in the least." And with that, she opened the unlocked front door and stepped inside.

The two of them were standing outside a room that seemed very important. Multiple voices were coming from inside, one of them Abaddon's. She nodded to Chloe, and, using her superhuman Nephilim strength, Chloe kicked down the door.

The talking inside ceased immediately, the heads of the five demons in the room turned to them.

Abaddon stood up from where she had been sitting on the couch and walked over to them. "Oh look, two little girls. I'm shaking. What are you going to do, wrap me in a jump rope?" She flicked her hand at them, and Claire went flying backward into the wall, her back hitting it painfully. She was held in place, and couldn't move.

But Chloe hadn't moved at all, which confused Abaddon. The demon queen flicked her hand at the Nephilim again. It had the same effect as the first had, which was none. Then Abaddon seemed to understand. "Oh, Nephilim. Nice trick."

Claire felt feeling come back to her limbs since Abaddon's attention was no longer fixed on her. She quickly grabbed the first blade, shivering as the feelings of power and calm filled her. She peeled herself off the wall, the mark glowing on her arm. Abaddon didn't notice, but the other demons did.

One of them rushed at her, and Claire methodically drove the blade through it's stomach.

Abaddon spun towards her when she heard the demon die. "No, you can't, NO." She yelled.

Claire smirked at her, approached quickly, and drove the blade through her chest. She was filled with a deep satisfaction as parts of the queen's skin seemed to burn off as she died.

After Claire pulled the blade out, she looked around the eerily silent room, and saw that it was silent because she and Chloe were the only ones alive. Chloe, the little bad ass, had taken care of the other three.

She quickly hooked the blade back onto her belt, and smiled as the power and calmness left her. "Time to go get the boys."

"Ben?" Claire called as they descended into the basement.

"Jesse?" Chloe called.

They'd already checked outside, floor three, floor two, and floor one. This was the last place the boys could be.

When they rounded a corner, they froze.

Ben was standing still, staring at a very inaccurate stone statue of an angel. And Jesse was caught in the angel's arms, the angel ready to snap his neck.

Claire's hand flew to her mouth, and tears prickled in her eyes. "Watch the statue." She instructed Chloe. "Whatever you do, do not blink."

The Nephilim nodded, and kept her eyes trained on the statue.

Claire approached Jesse, but kept a safe distance away. "Jesse, I'm so sorry. I- there's nothing I can do."

Jesse swallowed. "Tell me what it is. I'd like to know what's going to kill me before it does."

Claire nodded. "They're called weeping angels. They're stone when they're seen, but as soon as you look away, as soon as you blink, they're alive and they move, fast. They kill by either snapping necks or sending their victims back in time. The first blade won't kill them, only paradoxes and jackhammers, we don't have either of those. I'm sorry Jesse."

He smiled at her sadly. "It's fine, Claire. It's only death, it'll be quick. Just get out of here, and make sure Ben and Chloe do too."

Claire nodded again. "I-I'll try to bring you back, I'll find a way."


Claire nodded. She stepped back and away. "Move as far back as you can, keep the angel in sight and don't blink." She instructed Ben and Chloe.

Their backs were up against the wall. "Okay." She said. "We blink in three... Two... Goodbye." The three of them blinked, there was a sickening snap of a neck.

They all quickly opened their eyes. The weeping angel was a five yards away from where it had been before. And Jesse... He- his body was lying on the floor, his neck bent at a sickening angle. Claire struggled against her gag reflex, she needed to keep calm.

"Chloe, you can teleport four people in an absolute emergency and it causes you to sleep for days, right?" She asked the Nephilim.

"Y-yeah." Chloe stuttered. She was probably on the edge of hysterics, but Claire couldn't look, her eyes were on the angel.

"Go get his body, we have to burn him. You're the fastest, Ben and I will keep he angel still. When you get back, teleport us back to the bunker."

"O-okay." Chloe agreed. She ran over to Jesse's body in a blur, slung him over her shoulder, then raced back over to Ben and Claire. She grabbed their hands, and they disappeared.

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