Forty: I'm with the Empty Hearts

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Claire awoke to a burning around her collar bone.

She instantly shot awake and found herself sitting up.

The necklace was glowing, burning, like a star, suspended in space in front of her face. It was beautiful.

Claire had never hated anything so much.

It wasn't fair. All she'd ever wanted to be was normal. To grow up, live a normal life with both her parents, maybe get married -most likely to Ben-, eventually have kids some day, and live to old age. She only wanted to have as normal a life as she could manage, and she knew that was what her team wanted too.

No, they weren't her team anymore. She wasn't a leader, and she couldn't lead them considering what she was. Chloe and Jesse were half human, and Ben was one hundred percent human, and she wasn't human at all. But she could consider them friends.

She couldn't tell them, they'd hate her. But how long could she keep this secret? From Ben, who knew when ever anything was different about her, who loved her like she loved him? From Chloe, who noticed almost everything the second she walked into a room? From Jesse, who could make her tell him with a thought?

She couldn't, but she had to try.

Chloe was sleeping soundly on the other bed in the room a few feet away, but she wouldn't be for much longer if the necklace continued to glow.

Claire reached up to push it down, but it burned her fingers.

"Ah!" She hissed.

Chloe groaned groggily. "Claire?" She muttered. The necklace' slight and heat instantly disappeared, seeming to become a normal necklace.

Maybe, even her angel self didn't want them to know. It was still her, after all.

"Yeah, I'm here." She answered.

Chloe turned over and looked at Claire through half open eyelids. "What time is it?"

Claire turned to look at the clock. "Five AM." She reported.

Chloe groaned again. "Do me a favor and shut up until it's nine." She said, immediately falling back asleep.

Claire, however, lay in the darkness for much longer, the events of last night coming back to her. They'd gone with Drew to see Cas and Dean, who had said that they'd start getting ready to leave tomorrow.

Claire needed to talk to Emily, that was what this was. Emily knew more about her than she did.

Carefully, she extracted herself from her bed and crept silently to the door. She needed answers, and the only one who could give them to her was the comatose vivicantern.

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