Sixty Two: (I deleted the name of this chapter and don't remember it sorry)

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AN/ I'm sick D: So now you amazing people get a chapter since I'm dying at my house :)

December 25, 1998,

It's Christmas today. My first Christmas without my father. But it's not like Christmas was a very special thing for my family in the first place, it was usually just one present from dad, if I was lucky.

On the topic of single parents, my daughter is going to be raised with only a mother.

That's right, daughter. I went to the doctors last week, they told me it's a girl. I think I'll name her Chloe, I like that name.

But, I pushed Daniel out of the house two days ago. I don't know where he is. He told me what he was. At first I didn't believe him. I mean, I've seen some pretty messed up stuff, but angels? Nope. But he gave me proof. Daniel is 'an angel of the lord'. He's even got effing wings!

But now I'm scared. I pushed Daniel away because he's not human, and I don't want that around my daughter. But even though I'm not religious, I've read the bible, just out of curiosity. And the part about the offspring of a human and an angel, aka a nephilim, well... It makes them out as monsters.


A tear threatened to run down Chloe's cheek after she read that. Her mother had thought she might be a monster. Maybe she would, if she'd seen her now.

March 30, 1999

My daughter was born yesterday, in a hospital, which I can now at for since I HAVE A FUCKING JOB. We're staying in a nice neighborhood in upstate New York and I'm working as a librarian at the local elementary school. But it gets even better. Sure, I know Chloe is only half human, but she seems perfectly fine. She screamed when she was born, she defenitely has quite a voice. Her heart beat and body temp are a bit peculiar, but it seems as through she barely has a target on her back.

Do you know what the best part is though? I've been getting letters from my father, begging me to come back, though of course I don't send any back. But he's settled down somewhere in the desert outside of Pheonix, Arizona. We're pretty much as far away as we can get. Chloe will get to live her life away from reality. She'll get to live the life I never got.


Chloe stood up quickly, startling her friends, who had all just been waiting in various places in the motel room or see if she found anything.

"What is it?" Jesse asked her.

"Pheonix." Chloe replied quickly.

She only got confused looks from her friends.

Chloe rolled her eyes. "In her journal, she says that her dad is living in the desert outside of Pheonix, Arizona. Hopefully, he's still there."

Claire smiled. "Oh, it should be easy to get there. But do you have anything more specific?"

The nephilim quickly re read the passage, then shook her head. "It just says 'he's settled down somewhere in the desert outside of Pheonix'."

Claire looked over to Jesse, who squinted. "Now, this is where not hiding would come in handy." He said hesitantly.

"What do you mean?" Ben asked. "We're hiding?"

Claire nodded. "Jesse and I have been hiding the four of us since Bela showed up. No one can find us unless we want to be found."

Jesse also nodded. "If we weren't hiding, we could contact the bunker. We could use Rose or Abigal or the computer systems or literally any of the resources or people back there to find Chloe's grandpa, but now it's just guessing."

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