Chapter 10

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"I love you Ni." He whispered.

"What the fuck Zayn!?" I shouted, my cheeks tinging with a red color. He looked at the ground and shrugged.

"I'm sorry Ni." He mumbled. I sighed and rub my temples.

"Its fine, we can just pretend it never happened-" Zayn grabbed my hand and shook his head.

"I'm not apologizing for kissing you. I'm apologizing for not being there when you needed me, or to sweep you off your feet before Josh did." He stated kissing my hand.

"Zee you know i cant love." i mumbled. "I'll just use you, and then leave you." He pulled me to his chest tightly and kissed the top of my head.

"Then use me Niall! Use me any way you want, just please... Give me a chance to prove you can love." He pleaded rubbing my back.

I shook my head, "Our friendship would be ruined. I care for you too much." He groaned and let go of me, standing up.

"For fucks sake Niall! I'm fucking giving myself to you on a gold platter and you just throw me away?! No, I'm not giving up, there has to be something that i can do in return for you to give me a chance." He said his eyes searching mine for any sign of acceptance.

"There's nothing Zayn. We would never work out." I mumbled kissing his cheek before turning around heading towards the house.

"I'll quit!" He cried desperately. "I'll quit my job Ni, if you let me love you." He stated his voice cracking as he came closer to me.

He held my face in his hands and his eyes held so many emotions. Hope, love, want, need and passion.

"Zayn. You're quitting that job even if i don't date you. Plus you've got Perrie." I spat. He sighed and rolled his eyes.

"She is your sister! And i don't even like her, it was a mistake. I want you, you and me. Forever, until the day i die." He explained grabbing my hand and placing it over his heart. "It only beats for you, no one else."

"Zayn stop, we can never be. You had sex with my sister, like ew! Why would i want sloppy seconds?" I seethed. He seemed hurt from my retaliation and i instantly regretted my choice of words. His hold on me loosened and he stepped back.

"I-is that it? Thats the only reason you wont let me date you?! Cause you think you're second choice, If anything Niall you are my first, second, third, and fucking last choice! No one will ever compare to you." He growled.

"Zayn I'm tired and shaken up from what happened, i love you. Just not in the way you want me to love you." I mumbled, feeling a twist in my heart. He shook his head.

"I'm not taking no for an answer Niall, i did not just grow the balls to kiss the lad i had a crush on since middle school just to get rejected. Its either yes, or yes." He stated, his eyes dark and angry. I shrank back and looked away.

"It wont work Zayn. I'll tear you apart before you even get to second base, but i'll give you a chance." He let out a relieved breath and pulled me close to his body as he grabbed my jaw making me look at him. He had the biggest smile I've ever seen on his face.

"Good. Cause i would have forced you to say yes." He playfully said nibbling on my earlobe. A shiver ran down my spine and he kissed my cheek. "Lets go in, babe." He smiled grabbing my hand and pulling me inside.

"Zayn the door!" I whined. He rolled his eyes.

"I'll call my mates to come help me fix it." I sighed but let him drag me up the stairs.

Boy On Fire Boyxboy (Ziall,Lilo)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя