Chapter 9: The Memorial Day 1

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Yoshiki's Apartment - Yoshiki's PoV

"*Yawn* 6:57... damn, already an hour before the memorial. I guess we should get up to go to the memorial. Ayumi?"

"...Yeah?" Ayumi groggily responds.

"We should get up for the memorial, it's already 7."

"Oh, okay."

"I'll be cooking breakfast, you can use the restroom to wash up and get ready for the memorial first."

"Alright, thanks."

"Don't mention it."

Ayumi went to the bathroom to get ready for the memorial. I chose to make a quick breakfast, which was toast with bacon and eggs as I didn't have too much time today. After I finished cooking, I put the food on plates, and sat on the diner table, and I started to eat. Shortly after, Ayumi came out, and joined me for breakfast. I quickly finished mine, and stated:

"Eat up, Ayumi, today will be a long day. I'll go get ready to go to the memorial now."

"Alright, thanks for the breakfast Yoshiki."

"It wasn't that great, but no problem."

"No, it tastes really good... do you remember that day?"


"Remember, in homeroom, we all cooked, and I messed up, and you fixed up the food?"

"Oh, yeah, I remember you said that your food smelled better than mine."

"In reality, your food was really good, I guess... my pride didn't allow me to accept it..."

"Ehh, it wasn't that good, plus, not everyone is good at cooking, so it isn't anything to sweat over, Ayumi."

"Thanks, Yoshiki, you always know how to cheer me up." Ayumi giggles.

"Heh, yeah, anyways, let's get ready to go to the memorial."

"Yeah, we should."

After breakfast, we both got our clothes that we bought yesterday for the memorial, and we got changed. I was in a black dressing shirt and dressing pants, and got out long black socks to put on before putting on my dark brown dressing shoes. Ayumi wore a black dress that went down to slightly above her ankles, and wore a black heel with about a couple inches above the ground. The time was around 7:34, and we decided to head out a little early.

"Shall we go, Ayumi? Not to mention, you look... pretty in the dress, not that you aren't pretty in other outfits as well..."

"Thanks, Yoshiki, you look really handsome also." Ayumi chuckles, as I always get nervous when I'm saying something like that. I should seriously work on that.

We exited my apartments, and we started to walk towards Kisaragi Academy. We both took the path we always used to take, as my apartment is pretty near Ayumi's house, so we passed it while walking to the school. Ayumi stopped, and looked at the house for a little bit, but soon joined me on our walk to the school. Soon, we arrived, and there were already people in clothing suited for funerals walking in. We walked into the gym, and sat near the middle: Ayumi at the edge of the aisle and me right next to Ayumi. We sat in silence until we heard a familiar voice:


"Ahh, Satoshi, Nakashima, Yuka-chan, you guys are here also?"

"Of course, we lost... our friends here also... why are you guys here? Did you guys... lose friends from what happened?"

"Uh... Yeah, you can say that." I looked over to Ayumi, who looked sad. "Ayumi, it will be fine, everyone remembers them now, even if our existences were erased, I'd say it was a fair trade, 4 for 2, right? I surely don't regret staying behind with you to get the memories of our friends back. Plus, we can have our other friends remember us as early as this weekend."

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