Chapter 8: The Date Before the Memorial

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Yoshiki's Apartment - Yoshiki's PoV

"*Yawn* What time... is it?" I check my phone that I left on the counter next to me. "8:34... I guess I'll get up, and get breakfast ready before we go shopping."

Ayumi was still sleeping next to me, so I quietly got out of bed, and went to the kitchen. The last couple days were hectic. Out of all the things that happened, the one that surprised me the most was when Ayumi said she liked me as well. After a while, I decided to make pancakes. I make the pancake mix, and I start to cook them when I heard Ayumi:

"Yoshiki? What are you doing?"

"Ahh, good morning, Ayumi, I'm just making breakfast before we go shopping, the funeral is... tomorrow."

"*sniff* Y-Yeah, our friends... they're dead... because of me."


"They're dead because of that stupid charm I had them do! Only if I didn't trust the instructions from first glance, everyone would be alive, my sister would be alive, we wouldn't even be in this predicament!"

"Ayumi, it's not your fault! You couldn't have known that the blog was wrong, you trusted the one who put up the blog, and it's her fault for betraying you. You meant for the best with the charm, right? Did you know that would happen?"


"Did you want something like that to have happened?"


"See? You have nothing to be blamed for, you only wanted to make another memory before Suzumoto left, you meant for the best. You didn't know that would happen, so no one blames you, but you. Please, stop blaming yourself, Ayumi. It hurts me that you're going through this pain and I can't do anything about it."

"...Sorry, Yoshiki, you're too good to me."

"Ayumi, it's fine, you don't need to apologize, just promise me that you won't blame yourself, that's all I want."

"I promise."

"Good. Now, let's eat so we can go on our first... date." I say, and I blush.

"O-Okay." Ayumi says also with a blush.

We both quickly ate the pancakes that I made, and got ready to leave. We left around 9:34, which leaves me about 5 hours before we need to get back to my apartment and go to work. We held hands, and walked to the mall.

"Yoshiki, let's go to that shop!"

"Alright." I chuckle.

"Ooh, let's get this!" Ayumi holds out a cute shirt and pants with cats and dogs.

"You want that? It does look cute, I'm sure you'll look... cute in it, not that... you won't look cute in other clothes... uhh... nothing, never mind." I stutter out blushing.

"Hehe, Yoshiki, thanks. And yeah, I want this."

"Alright, here, give it to me, let's look for other clothes that you want."


I was glad that Ayumi sounded happy, at least for now. That was all I wanted for today, for Ayumi to be happy. As long as Ayumi is happy, then I'm happy. After shopping for another hour, Ayumi chose many shirts, pants, and other articles of clothing. At the end, we went to the cashier to pay for the clothes.

"The total will be 53,250 Yen."

"Okay, here-"

"Yoshiki! Are you going to pay for the whole thing?"

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