Chapter 0: Recap (Game's End)

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This is the author speaking *ahem*, well, hello there, and thank you for stopping by my story. This is my first out of many planned stories that I will be writing about Corpse Party. Most of my stories will be fanfiction, and will vary between game continuations, alternate endings, ships, and many more! Stay tuned for upcoming stories, and I hope you enjoy. Please leave comments on how it was, any criticism will be welcome. Thank you, and enjoy!

End of Corpse Party: Blood Drive

"...Everybody, get out... Hurry... There's a hole leading back to the real world at the school's enterenceway!"

I then picked up the flesh I'd spit out and tried to cram it back into my mouth. I was determined to keep it down!

...It would have been a lot easier if it hadn't been glaring at me from my hands, however.

"Wait! Stop! Just... Stop!"

...I turned to Kishinuma, who was practically begging me not to go through with this. And it's not like I wanted to! I just... had to...

"Stop this. Please! We don't want you to disappear from our lives! Not without a fight!"

I smiled... The sentiment was truly heartwarming

"You always did look out for me... Don't think I didn't notice! Even if you forget I exist, I'll never forget you. Kishinuma."

... Kishinuma's eyes swelled up with tears

"...When you patted me on the head... it made me really happy."

...I smiled again, even when tears were streaming down my face

*Ayumi eats more of the nirvana, which, surprisingly, has great effect*

"Stop... Stop doing that! GODDAMMIT ALL!"

Kishinuma collapsed to his knees

*Earthquakes start to occur, as the school begins to break down*

"Come on. Get up. Do you want her death to be in vain? It's not like we can stop her either way, not from here."

"Class rep..." Naomi says sobbing.

"I'll never forget you. Shinozaki. No matter what," Satoshi replies.

Before he left the area, Kishinuma looked back one last time. But I was out of sight at that point.

*While running, Kishinuma notices that Mitsuo died as well*

Near the doorway

"Kishinuma? What's wrong?"

"Is she... just going to be erased from all our minds?"


"What's going to happen when she eats the entire Nirvana? Will the world actually be able to go back to normal?"

"Yoshiki, what are you doing?! If we don't hurry-"

"Right now, she's in there. She's inside the Nirvana!"

"...?! Yoshiki! Wait!"

He turned back towards the ruins of Heavenly Host and run off

"You guys get the hell out of here!"

*The ceiling breaks down, blocking the path that Yoshiki run down*


*They use the everafter stones to escape the nirvana*

"In a place that exists outside of this world... a curse built upon darkness and sorrow swept through like a river overflowing its banks into the valley below. But the flood was damned through the blood sacrifice of a truly benevolent girl... whose very existence was lost in the process. The fate to die cannot be overturned... but the former existence of your sadly departed friends as been restored to this reality. Their memories, their achievements... From that, however... a new sorrow floods the world... and the healing process begins anew. The baton of guardian has been passed down from one generation to the next... and somewhere in this world, I'm certain she must still bear it, protecting us all from deep under cover of night. She's been erased from all our memories, however, so... wherever she is, there can never truly be any communication between us again. But in this future where countless worlds and fates have merged... I'm certain we'll see her again."

(This would be a good place to stop as it foreshadows my fanfiction well, especially with the last sentence... there is a small part more which I personally like, because I absolutely love Ayumi x Yoshiki)

And here I sat... in my own house... in Hinoe's room... in the corner, in a wheelchair... expressionless and empty... with the Book of Shadows on my lap.

"...Book of Shadows... can use... make everyone... happy... will protect... everyone... best as I... even if it's... by myself..."

*Doorbell rings*

The blue-white stones were tossed up into the air, where they danced a bit before tumbling back down. I could easily catch them with one hand. I looked up at the white house in front of me and smiled a toothy grin. And I held onto those stones tightly... for they were my precious Everafter Stones...

"Finally... I found it!"

Yeah, this "chapter" was boring, right? This was made just so I can set the time for my next chapter, which I'm writing right now, and hopefully finish tomorrow. Stay tuned!

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