Chapter 7: Forgotten Memories

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A/N: I forgot to mention, the story includes some OC's: these are all minor characters who just helps my story function well, such as the music store owner, and the two who work morning shifts at the music store are my OC's. None of my OC's will have a major role in the plot, they will only have dialogue that pushes the story on, but will not have too big of an influence on the major storyline.

Yoshiki's Apartment - Yoshiki's PoV

"You... you what?" Shinozaki stuttered out.

"I love you, I have loved you since that day you spoke up for me against Mr. Tsubota."

"For two years... you waited for me that long?"

"Yeah, pretty much... ha ha, I'm pathetic, aren't I? I couldn't even tell you my real feelings until all this shit happened."

"No, you aren't. You protected me and helped me even if I said so many mean things to you... How could I be so blind?" Shinozaki said, holding tears in her eyes.

"Shinozaki... don't cry, I did all that because I love you, my love for you will never go away."

"*sniff* I'm sorry! I'm sorry for saying mean things to you, for comparing you to Mochida, for being ignorant of your feelings!"

"Shh, Shinozaki, it's all fine. All that matters now is that you're safe." I hug her while finishing my sentence.

"...Yoshiki, after all that happened and all you did for me, I think... I love you, too."

I was taken aback from her suddenly using my personal name, but I quickly answered, "Ayumi, I love you, have loved you, and will love you, no matter what happens."

Is this really happening? Shinozaki said that she loves me! Finally, my feelings have been recognized, and it feels so damn good.

"Yoshiki... thank you, for everything."

"It was nothing, really. Anything for you, Ayumi, is worth all the trouble."

"You're too kind, Yoshiki... I don't know how I could've been so blind to your feelings, now that you tell me this, I can tell how you've always tried to get closer to me, but I pushed you away. My crush on Mochida-kun hurt you so much, yet you still came back and protected me at the school, helped me outside that school, and was so kind to me, yet I was so mean to you. I don't deserve you, Yoshiki, you deserve better, especially you lost... your friends and your existence... because of me."

"Ayumi, it's not your fault, it never was, and will never be. Stop blaming yourself for this, only you blame yourself for this, when none of us blame you. Be strong, that's what Yui-sensei said, Suzumoto will never hold a grudge on you, you meant for the best, and will want you to continue living happily, Shinohara will be happy that you made it out alive, and Morishige, although he may not show it, he truly cares for his friends. Everyone that didn't make it back won't blame you, but will be happy for you."

"Yoshiki... do you truly think that?"

"Yes, I truly do. Even the people that made it out alive, although they may not remember you, will be grateful to what you did. I'm grateful that you are safe now, and we put that hellhole into an end, Mochida will be grateful to be back with Nakashima, Nakashima will be grateful to be back with Mochida, and Yuka will be grateful to be back with her best friend and Mochida, not to mention that those that are gone had their existences returned."

"Yoshiki... Thank you."

"No problem, Ayumi. I'm sure everything will fall back into place sooner or later. I'll make sure that everyone will remember you once again." I reassure Ayumi while hugging her.

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