Chapter 3: Recovered Memories

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*Ahem* No need to introduce myself again... Anyways, I hope you're enjoying my series. This is my first work of the many work I plan to do, and I promise you, it will get better as time passes by. Stay tuned in, thanks!

Saturday, Kisaragi Academy - Yoshiki PoV

"Huh? Where are we? Shinozaki, are you ok? We made it back, you know..."

I was still holding the Book of Shadows, so I assumed Shinozaki would be nearby. I got up, and looked around, both for Shinozaki and for clues to where we were. Luckily, my phone still had a slight bit of battery left, so I flipped it open, and I saw that it was Saturday pretty early in the morning. That meant we were in there for a couple days. I started walking around the place where I woke up.

Damn, we've been in there for a couple days? I hope the others got out fine after I ran back for Shinozaki there. Where is Shinozaki?

"Shinozaki! Where are you? We made it out, you know."

I walked around the halls of this place, but it seemed awfully familiar, like I used to see it everyday. I opened the doors to a classroom labeled 2-9, and inside, I found Shinozaki in the middle of the room that also looked very familiar.

"Shinozaki! Are you okay? Wait, this room, classroom 2-9, this was our homeroom! Does that mean, we are at Kisaragi Academy?"

I entered the room, and it sure was our old homeroom, the very room where this whole thing happened after Shinozaki introduced us the charm that Naho put on her blog, which was a whole lie, and caused us Shinohara, Morishige, Suzumoto, and Yui sensei's lives... I went to Shinozaki, checked her pulse, and I decided to go to a hospital nearby, we both could use some help.

"I suggest you look in the yearbook on that table."

"Huh? What do you mean, Book of Shadows?"

"If you do, you can see what you and master have accomplished."

"Okay, if you say so..."

So, before leaving, I took a quick look at the school yearbook, and sure enough, I could see what the Book of Shadows was meaning. The photos of our dead friends and our teacher returned, which meant the world remembered them now. But, I also noticed one more thing. Shinozaki and I weren't anywhere to be seen in the photos, not even in our class photo.


"Yes, your friend's existence is back to this world, in exchange for you and master's existences."

"Well, I hope you're right, I hope the other's memories are back, I'm sure that's what Shinozaki wanted from the beginning."

With that, I closed the yearbook, and left the classroom, but not looking back one more time, at the memories we made together, and felt a bit sad knowing that they won't know us anymore. But, I knew I still had Shinozaki, and I couldn't lose her also, so I hastily walked through the halls, and left for the nearby hospital. Outside, at the school gates, there was a notice hung up, and after leaving the gates, I read the notice, which read:

"Kisaragi High School Notice to school faculty and students. Due to the recent events in Japan, Kisaragi High will be closed the following Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. On Thursday, there will be no class, instead, we will be having a open funeral for those that lost their lives due to this incident. We are deeply sorry for those who were affected by this. By, Kisaragi High School Administration."

So, the school is having a funeral, huh. It's an open funeral, meaning anyone could be there. Maybe, if Shinozaki feels better, we could go as well, to mourn for our lost friends...

I let that thought hang in my mind, and I left for the hospital. At the hospital, I walked in, hoping no one will question us too much.

Satoshi's House - Naomi's PoV

"Satoshi! Open up!"

"Hello, Naomi onee-chan!"

"Yuka chan, where's Satoshi?"

"Onii-chan is still getting ready, he seemed very excited for today!"

"Oh, is he now? How are you doing, Yuka chan, you know... with all that happened at Heavenly Host?"

"I'm feeling a lot better, as a matter of fact. Satsuki said she was going to come over later today, and we have a lot of things planned for today!"

"That's good to hear..."

I was happy that Yuka was doing okay... But after escaping that school, everyone's memories was back. Seiko... was remembered by my parents again, I was going to go visit their house with Satoshi later today... if Satoshi came out already. He was surely taking his time.

"Naomi? You're here already?"

"You took your time. Let's go already, I have a lot planned for us today."

"Huh...? Alright, let's go. See you later, Yuka chan."

"Yeah. Oh, also, onii-chan, take these scented beads! It will keep you and Naomi onee-chan safe!"


"Thanks, Yuka chan! I'll make sure your onii-chan is safe and sound."

Taking the scented beads from Yuka, I put it in Satoshi's pocket. Knowing that Yuka would throw a fit if Satoshi didn't take it, I took it for him. I mean, there wasn't any harm in taking them also so...

"Thanks, Yuka. Make sure to lock the door, and not let any strangers in."

"Okay! Bye bye onii-chan! Onee-chan!"


"See you later."

Leaving Satoshi's house, we both walked down the street, down a familiar road I used to walk down every day, with Seiko... I had something to show Satoshi.

"How's your eye, Naomi?"

"Oh, the doctor said it would get better soon. The doctor said the eye is healing, and more about all that technical and scientific stuff."

"Heh, you have to learn all that too, you know, to be a nurse."

"Yeah, I know..."

"Anyways, where are you taking me?"

"You'll see. We're almost there."

We kept walking down for a couple more minutes. A moment later, we were right across from our school. We were going to cross, when we saw two people walk out of the school, and for some reason, me and Satoshi hid behind a wall nearby. I don't know why, we just did. There was a blond haired boy, and was carrying a girl with two ponytails, and was carrying a book about the size of an encyclopedia.

"Do you know them, Satoshi? They came out from our school..."

"I don't recognize them... You think that girl is hurt? That boy is carrying her..."

"She doesn't look hurt from here... Should we offer them our help?"

"Yeah let's -"

When we were going to go across to help them, they turned around, and we hid again, which I didn't know why. Anyways, when we went out of cover, we watched them walk down the street. I was wondering why we didn't help them...

"They're gone... I hope they're fine... Anyways, why did you bring me to our school?"

"Ah! Here, read the notice on the gate! There's good news - well, not good news, but it's still better than before!"

"Hmm...? Ah, the world... remembers them, all that died there... They're back... This is good news! I need to tell Yuka this later."

"Yeah, good news, isn't it? Where should we go now?"

"Hmm... Oh, I know a good place... let's go."

This was chapter 3 of my series. I wanted to include a bit of the other characters that returned from Heavenly Host after Blood Drive happened, which I did. I hope the story is fine! Thanks for reading, and tune in for the next chapter!

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