"I love your big headed ass too." I joked hearing her suck her teeth.

After all these years, everyday was like the first time with Zee. She's changed me in so many ways and I've bettered myself as a man because of her.

"You giving up dick tonight? Because I'm horny." She asked bluntly as she straddled me.

"Of course."

"First person to cum has to do the laundry." She gave me a devilish grin.


Kaleb Lorizio

"Remember Penny has a check up tomorrow at nine. Please don't forget to take her." Pandora rolled her eyes.

"You can lose the attitude. Where my daughter at?"

"Right here, daddy." She skipped out of the living room.

Pandora stood her ground and wouldn't take me back no matter how hard I tried. We just co parent and she makes sure it strictly stays that way. It's an understatement to say she can't stand me.

"You ready to go?" I picked her up as she nodded her head. Pandora told me to stop doing that because she's seven and too old for that, but I'll do what I want.

"Don't let her stay up all night and-"

"You act like I don't know this shit already. I know how to take care of my daughter."

"Ooo, daddy you said a bad word." She put her hand over her mouth.

"I'm sorry princess." I snatched her bag out of Pandora's hand and walked away.

She can't let shit go. Yeah, I did her wrong in high school, but we grown now. Her bitter ass always got an attitude when I see her.

"Kaleb." She walked out into the driveway. I sighed heavily as I shut the car door behind Penny.


"Don't be bringing those nasty bitches of yours around my child."

I sucked my teeth, "Man, you just love running your mouth. I ain't bringing no females around her. Take your ass back in the house."

"Yeah whatever. And keep that bitch Keisha away from her too!" She pointed her finger in my face before going back inside.

Keisha was her friend that I cheated on her. We still talk to each other, but we're actually just friends. She has a boyfriend and we don't do anything. Pandora obviously still doesn't like her though.

"Your mama crazy sometimes." I said to Penelope when I got into my car.

"You love her?"

"I have love for your mom, but I don't love her in that way anymore." I just recently came to terms that shit ain't gonna never change and I have to move on.

In these seven years, I've graduated high school and started my own business with the financial help of my mom. My dad wasn't having it because everything I start I never finished.

But my mom believed in me and gave me a loan. I paid her back every cent and then some. Although I had the help from her to get me started, I wanted to show my parents that I could do it. I had a thing for being the fuck up so I wanted to make them proud.

Getting Pandora pregnant at seventeen wasn't just it. At nineteen I experience a pregnancy scare with another's girl and when I tell you my dad beat my ass. He literally beat my ass for being stupid. Not with a belt. With his fists.

But I wasn't mad him for it. I honestly needed that. Penny is my only child and I'm running my own tattoo shop. Right now I don't want anymore kids, but later down the line I want one more. I'm only twenty-four.

I also want to be married before I have another kid. At least try to do something the right way.

Kambria Lorizio

"This shit is disgusting. Y'all don't have no regular cake?" I scrunched up my face, looking at the lady.

Lorenzo pinched me, "Stop cursing like you crazy." He whispered in my ear.

"I'm just saying. All of this cake is nasty." I sat back crossing my arms.

"How about we make a new appointment for next Thursday with new cakes to taste?" The lady seemed to have an attitude that I didn't like. She better watch it before I punch her ass.

"Yeah, that would be best." Lorenzo told her and she nodded her head before leaving the room. "Come on, Kam. You don't like none of these?"

"No. None of this is what I have in mind." I was getting so frustrated with planning our wedding. Nothing was going how I wanted it to.

"Then what do you want, Kambria?"

"I don't know." I whined. "I'm sorry, baby. I'm acting like such a brat."

"It's okay. This is our day, but I want everything to go the way you want it to." He rubbed my thigh.

"I love you."

"I love you too, bridezilla." He leaned over to peck my lips.

Lorenzo proposed three years ago, but we never got around to a wedding because of me being in school and him making a name for himself as a professional photographer.

Now I'm in my last year of dentistry school and Zo is doing pictures for people as high up as the music industry. Being proud of him is an understatement.

"Three more months and you'll be Mrs.Koval." He smirked.

"You did good at picking me as your wife." I said cockily as I threw my hair over my shoulder.

"I knew from the first day I met you I was gonna wife you. Attitude was a little nasty, but I think your mean ass isn't that bad anymore."

"Shut up." I punched him in the shoulder as he just laughed

"I hope you get all your fun out in these three months because you're coming back pregnant after our honeymoon."


"Gotta get started on my ten babies soon." He rubbed his hands together.

"You're crazy."

"Only for you, love."


How y'all feeling?

Next part will be the Jones children and the final chapter.

Excuse mistakes.

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