1. She Likes Pink & I Like Her.

Start from the beginning

Sun kissed skin, luscious pink lips, long pink wavy hair. She must have noticed Lisa's stare because a heat the same shade as her hair brushed up her chubby cheeks.

"Uh Thanks," Lisa manages to say taking her schedule back.

"Not a problem," The girl smiles back.

Lisa feels her knees weaken at her accent and smile. She manages to smile back, the whole damn zoo exploding in her stomach.

Another bell scares the shit out of Lisa, dropping her schedule a second time.

The two of them reach down to grab it making them bump heads.



"Here let me get it,"

"No no it's okay I got it,"



"Shit!" Lisa curses holding her head after bumping the girls a second time. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay," the girl smiles while rubbing her own sore spot. "Here."

"Thanks, I'm guessing I'm late to class now?" Lisa chuckles lightly.

"Yup, there's a five minute warning bell, and then a real one." The girl says. "What class do you have?"

"Uhh English with Mr. Rowan." Lisa reads.

"Hmm lucky for you I'm in that class too." She says with a smile. "Come on before we're even more late." She takes Lisa's hand.

Lisa feels a warmth spread through her body at the contact. She tries to tell herself it's nothing but it doesn't seem to be working.

"Sorry we're late Mr. R," they enter the class. "The new student got lost and I was helping her."

"Oh, a new student that's right. Everyone meet Lalisa Manoban. She's an international transferee from South Korea." Mr. R introduces.

"Uh Hello," Lisa waves. She almost bows and tells them to take care of her but she remembers that they don't do that here.

"Take a seat Rosé, I guess since we don't have a seating plan you can sit next to her Lalisa."

Her eyes lifted to see Rosé sitting in the very back corner next to the window. The sunlight flowing in, casting a seemingly angelic glow onto her face.

Great. She's a freaking angel. Lisa thinks in her head.

She makes her way to the seat and sits down before the class in starting their lesson.

Her brown eyes can't help but look over at the girl next to her.

"Are you going to stare at me, or are you going to write this down?" Rosé chuckles.

Lisa's eyes widen, and her cheeks turn a few shades darker.

"R-right. Yeah." She squeaks our, turning back to the board. Her fingers clutching a pink pen.

"Cute pen." Rosé says quietly, a small smile on her face.

"Thanks, I like pink." Lisa can't help but smile back.

"Cute," Rosé mutters to herself, turning to the lesson, but Lisa manages to hear it.


When lunch came around Lisa was reunited with her sisters who were way too busy being lovey dovey with girls next to them.

Irene had been dating Kang Seulgi for awhile now, almost two years to be exact. As for Jennie and Jisoo, they had yet to start dating even though a blind man could see that they liked each other.

"I met a girl." Lisa blurts out gaining their attention.

"Well I'd hope so, there are lots of them here." Jennie chuckles.

"What's her name?" Irene asks.

"Rosé. I don't know her last name." Lisa says.

"Rosé? As in Rosé Park?" She asks with wide eyes.

"I don't know. Does she have Pink Hair?" Lisa shrugs before asking.

Irene nods furiously. "That's Bang Chan's girlfriend."

"Who's that?"

"He's one of Cody's and Felix's friends." Jisoo says.

"And that's bad?"

"Yes that's bad. Just don't get involved Lisa." Irene says.

"Why? She seems nice. I want to be her friend." Lisa pouts.

"She is nice Lisa, that's why people love her. But Bang Chan is not nice and neither are his friends. Besides she's straight." Irene shrugs.

"Guys I never said I liked her like that, I just want to be her friend!" Lisa huffs.

"There's no such thing as being just friends with Park Chaeyoung. It's all part of her charm. Everyone she meets falls for her, it's just the way she is." Jennie says.

"I'll be fine. I just wanna be friends..." Lisa says for the millionth time. She catches Rosé's eyes from across the cafeteria. The other girl gives her a smile and a small wave making the jittery feeling in Lisa's stomach return.

Oh god this is gonna be hard. Lisa thinks in her head.


"Hi Rosie, did you have a good first day at school?" Her mother asks as she walks into the kitchen.

"It was okay." Rosé replies, pressing a short kiss to her cheek before heading upstairs to her room.

Tossing her bag to the floor she jumps into her bed, front first. The white fluffy sheets immediately easing the stress away.

School was always so draining. Even on the very first day.

Although today was a little better than the others. Her lips quirked up into a small smile thinking of the girl she had met earlier.

They'd sat next to each other all English class. She couldn't help but feel comfortable around the newbie. It was something about her.

She gave Rosé a feeling she hasn't felt in a very long time. Lisa made her heart beat quicken, without even trying. She made her giggle with the simplest jokes. She made her skin tingle with even the lightest contact. 

With those thoughts in mind, she reached over to her bedside table to grab a stack of sticky notes and a pen.

Leaning up to support herself on her elbows she looked down at the small square of highlighter pink. Twiddling the sparkling baby pink pen in her fingers.

She bit her bottom lip in thought before writing a single sentence.

Folding it up into a tiny paper airplane, she gets out of bed and places it into a small black box. Protecting it from the outside world.

✈️ 'She likes pink, and I like her.'

Paper Planes| ChaeLisaWhere stories live. Discover now