Chapter 5- Young Forever

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Before I could even protest the boys had already begun cheering rowdily, clambering upon each other to find the best position on the sofa.

Swallowing the remainder of my drink, I made my way over to the bustle of the lads, slightly swaying. To my dismay, the sofa was already full, with Hoseok languidly splayed across two cushions and Jungkook squished into the corner seat of the leather lounger. Taehyung, whom was perched on the end seat, simply patted his lap and stated with his cute box smile "You're welcome to sit here if you like."

Sheepishly, I passed and perched on the arm of the sofa instead, causing a ruckus of laughter to ripple across the crowded space.

"So shall we start with Y/N?" Jin suggested, looking directly at me "since we want to get to know you and all"

"Truth or Dare Y/N?" Grinned Tae, twisting his body so he faced me.

Droplets of sweat began to form on my brow and steadily flowed down my hairline. As sociable as I was, parties had never been my sort of thing and so this was a little out of my comfort zone. Never mind the fact that I barely knew these boys and I didn't want to embarrass myself.

"Can we not have some rules first?" I proposed.

Tae tilted his head to the side slightly, framing his face almost as though he was an inquisitive puppy.

"Like what?" He countered.

The shortness of his words caught me off guard as I was left thinking for a reply for a few seconds.

"Urm... I don't know. Just nothing that takes this too far"

"Well why don't you tell us if we go too far?" Said Hoseok, his eyes glinting with mischief as he propped himself up, leaning on a reluctant Yoongi.

"I think it's time for you to open up to us a little more Y/N" continued Jimin, slightly slurring his words.

My cheeks flushed at his suggestive tone causing his gaze to further intense.

"So, truth or dare?" interjected Namjoon, interest lilting his voice as his eyes flicked to mine.

Well, if I was going to do this, I may as well go all out.

"Dare" I stated, not breaking the eye contact.


The liquor flowed as the rounds went on. By the time it was past 1am even Yoongi was showing its effects, his cheeks slightly flushed. Hoseok had passed out with his head in Jin's lap whilst Tae was forcing everyone to drink more every turn they took. Having already forgone my pride in the first round by dancing alone to Run in front of seven of them, I had begun to let loose a little more.

"What's it going to be this time Yoongi?" Asked Namjoon, who had been forced to perform a rendition of Expensive Girl in the previous round.

"Dare" he stated with a hint of a smirk remaining from Namjoon's performance.

"Let's make this more interesting shall we..." Schemed Tae, who began to whisper into Jimin's ear.

A wide grin spread across the mochi's face at Tae's suggestion. He turned to look directly at me.

"Why don't we all take the same dare?"

His eyes broke my stare and roamed down to my lips causing the flush on my face to creep to the tops of my cheeks.

"Let's see who can seduce Y/N the best" he continued, biting his plump bottom lip

A/N- So I wonder what's going to happen next... Fasten your seatbelts guys, and prepare to fangirl... Your votes and comments are always appreciated!

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