"Mia peed on you."

"I know, but I don't care."

I ruffled her soft fur before bringing her up to my face. She smelled like puppy and I loved the scent of it as weird as that was.

"I love her. And you." I said kissing Colton.

After a few minutes of playing with her my jeans became stiff and I reluctantly handed her to Colton before going to change.

I knew Colton didn't even like animals especially big ones, and Mia was going to get pretty big fast, so this was a big deal for him.

"Good morning sunshine! Guess what day it is?"

I groaned ducking back under the covers and pulling Colton's arm over myself.

After a few moments I peeked at the door seeing Allen standing there. After hearing that Allen was gay he didn't bother me so much. Ice cream in bed and complaining about our boyfriends became a regular thing.

"Wake up!" He yelled jumping on top of us.

"Get the fuck out!" Colton yelled.

I laughed as Allen left the room mouthing "someone's grouchy."

I walked into our closet and picked out the presents I had hidden from Colton. He was like a child. If he saw them he would open them right away. I carried the light boxes throwing them on top of Colton as Mia scurried away.

The first present were some diamond cuff links I saw at the mall a long time ago. The second was a duffle bag since Allen said Colton lost his at the hospital, and the third Grace helped me with. It was a tie. Boring but I didn't know what else to get with such short notice.

When Colton opened the third box he grinned wickedly. I didn't know a tie could excite someone so much.

"Glad you like it." I said casually.

"I love them." He pulled a smaller box out except it wasn't a tie. It was pictures of me laying half naked and occasionally fully naked on my bed. I was sleeping in all of them. I was going to kill Grace.

I blushed putting the pictures back in the box.

"Best present ever baby." He grabbed me pulling me onto his lap.

"Are you ready for yours?"

"Yes." I stuck my lips out pouting.

"That's later tonight."


"There's two and they're the best."He said winking at me.

So far I had gotten a puppy, an Audi suv and convertible, lots of diamond jewelry, clothes, a boat, and a vacation home. I wasn't sure what could beat those things.

I followed Colton downstairs where all of the guys were sitting in the living room still in their pajamas. I knew a few of them had girlfriends, but I didn't see them anywhere.

"Family only." Ace answered my unasked question.

I used to be slightly scared of the guys, but I realized they aren't so bad. Ace knew how badly I wanted to play in the snow so while Colton was in the shower he snuck me outside and everyone had a snowball fight. When Colton came looking for me he even joined in.

Someone grouped all of the presents into piles and I sat down in front of mine beside Colton.

"Cash you shouldn't have! I'm so excited." Allen screamed running over to hug me.

Each of the guys had a ten thousand dollar limit on gifts so I kind of went all out. Allen wanted plastic surgery for whatever reason so I got him a voucher for it. I thought he already looked good, but I wanted to get them all something they really wanted.

"Open the one from me." He dug through the pile picking out a small box.

I opened it pulling out a gold hotel card key.

"For when you want to get away from Colton."

I laughed as Colton smacked him upside the head.

"Looks like we're going to Vegas." I grinned at him.

The day went by pretty quickly. After we opened presents we binge watched horror movies and ate lunch. After that some of the guys left to go visit their family or girlfriends, and the rest were playing outside. Most of them wanted to try out their new guns. That was at the top of everyone's wish list.

"Ready for your present?"


I gasped.

The innocent one Where stories live. Discover now