Moldyshorts returns

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I dont own any characters. Im sorry (not) but I cant guarentee that I wont put any cliffys. Enjoy!


           I woke up, just fine. Scratch that, I was in those burning ropes. They werent that bad, for me atleast. But I knew that I would be unconcious soon so I tried to see where I was, but it was pitch black. How did I just randomly collapse? Why cant I shadow travel? I felt my head. Styx, I was burning with fever. Ugh. Where was Will? Is he okay? Then, I heard voices, "Gaea wont be rising in milenia though. The dumb demigods did a good job. But I am alive. So thats all that matters. Potter will NOT kill me again!" Hmm, I reconise that raspy voice. Thats Moldyshorts, wait no, Voldemort. "Yes my lord, anything to kill Potter my lord. You will win this time." Replied a nervous voice. Maybe he knew how bad he was going to LOSE! Sorry, im competitive. Hold up, I still had to get out of here, "Hey, will any of you losers untie me? I dont want to be here. It stinks." I yelled. That got their attention, "Oh yes! Our little hostage. Well, your annoying. AVADA KEDABRA!"

        Nothing happend. Then I remembered I was immune to spells. Lol. You should of seen his face! All it did was burn off my ropes, "Lol, thanks idiot." I said. Oh, great! I can shadow travel. I guess those ropes prevented me from doing so. I saluted them and shadow traveled away...


     WHERE WAS NICO?! IM GOING CRAZY! ITS BEEN 1 DAY! Oh, there he is. HE SHADOW TRAVLED?! I TOLD HIM NOT TO DO THAT DEAD MAGIC STUFF! "NICO WHERE THE HECK WERE YOU?!" I shouted. "Chill Will. Lol that rhymed. I got captured by Moldyshorts. You know, the usual." He replied calmly. "WHAT?! VOLDEMORT IS BACK?!" Oh, its the trio. "So much yelling. Take a chill pill. And yea, hes back.." i replied. "You deatheaters helped bring him back! Im going to report this to McGonagall!" Said Hermione. And they walked off..

I ended it there cause I didnt feel like writing. Oh well. Cya guys!

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